Chapter 3

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Louis woke to the soft sound of a knock and the strong smell of an Alpha. Louis sat up but two noodle arms pulled him back down. He turned over to see Niall snuggling into his chest, arms wrapped around Louis' waist.

The memories of the other night flooded Louis' brain and he blushed before quickly pulling out of his Omegan friends' arms. Niall quickly snuggled into Louis' pillows, sniffing Louis' sent before smiling into the pillow.

Louis smiled fondly before the memories of the last night rushed into his brain and Louis quickly shook his head before speed walking out of the room. Pulling on a pair of boxers.

Someone knocked on the door only louder this time. Louis quickly unlocked the door leading into the hall and took the chair out from under the door and quickly unlocked the main door.

Louis opened the door only to find the Alpha with curly locks and emerald eyes: Harry. Louis stiffened at the smell of arousal that wasn't his own filled his nose. Louis watched as Harry's eyes drifted down his body. Louis looked down at himself and quickly hid most of his body behind the door, noticing that he was only in boxers. "What do you want, Harry?!" Louis whispered yelled.

"Why are me whispering?" Harry whispered back.

"Niall is sleeping. SO WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Louis asked again.

"We wanted to know what you guys wanted for dinner tonight." Harry whispered, eyes sparkling.

"We aren't going." Louis snapped, eyes glowing like fire.

"Why not? Is it something I did? Did Liam do something?"

"Do you guys not have noses? Is your Alpha nose failing you?" Louis chuckled quietly.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"Did you not smell?" Louis asked, eyes wide. Harry slowly shook his head, still confused. "We both went into heat last night. I shouldn't even be talking to you." Louis half heartedly whispered, not exactly caring about Niall waking up anymore.

"Then why aren't you in heat right now?" Harry asked quietly, confused.

"It comes in waves idiot and you are turning me off." Louis sassed, a smirk growing from the corner of his lips.

"Any Alpha should turn on a Omega in heat." Harry stated matter-of-factly.

"They turn me off. Never liked one. Never kissed one. Never been out with one. Don't plan on it any time soon either." Louis huffed crossing his arms over his chest. Lying through his teeth, he had been with one alpha.

Harry 's blew wide and he grew worried. "What do you mean?" Harry stuttered. "Every Omega needs an Alpha, it isn't healthy to not have one."

"He has me." Niall rounded the corner, wearing skin tight skinny jeans and no shirt. When Louis and Niall's eyes met both started blushing before looking away from each other. Harry looked almost heart broken, his eyes falling to the floor before he started slowly backing away, shaking his head.

"No! No, it isn't supposed to be like that." Harry mainly whispered to himself but both Omegas heard it.

"Yeah and Male Omegas shouldn't even exist, nor Female Alphas." Niall quickly responded, shrinking a little when Harry glared at him. Louis stepped out in front of Niall. He didn't even flinch when Harry glared at him.

A low growl emitted itself from deep within Harry's body, making Niall bare his neck and cuddle into Louis's side. Louis only growled back, his growl sounding much like an Alpha's instead of an Omega. Niall stopped baring his neck and buried his nose in Louis' neck, whimpering slightly.

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