Chapter 4

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"Greg." Louis repeated louder. He shot up and out of his seat and sprinted out of the flat. A scream soon sounded in everyone's ears. They all stood up and ran out the door to see a big Alpha hugging Louis. He had brown hair, his brown eyes shining with love as he looked down at Louis.

He held Louis close and kissed him all over the face. Harry was bubbling with jealousy. Louis was holding the Alpha tight as well. When they pulled apart Niall ran to them and joined in another hug. Greg laughed and hugged them both. After a few seconds Niall pulled away and Greg hugged Louis again.

Both Liam and Harry were fuming on the inside.

Greg and Louis pulled away again and he kissed Louis' forehead again, his lips lingering way longer then they should in Harry's opinion.

"Louis...." Greg smiled down at him, a proud smile. Mixed with love and adoration. Harry hated it.

"We were just talking about you." Louis smiled up at him, his eyes blow wide with excitement.

"We?" Greg asked, his eyes met Harry's. He saw the way Harry was watching them and he just pulled Louis closer. Louis wrapped his arms around Greg's neck and nuzzled his nose into Greg's neck and relaxed.

"Louis was telling them about his family...." Niall said softly.

 Greg growled low and deep, making everyone except Louis bare their necks. Including Harry and Liam. Greg looked down at Louis and smiled proudly. "I see you are still my favorite pupil." He caressed Louis' cheek. Louis leaned into the touch, smiling slightly.

"I showed them the scars....." Louis said, his voice soft. Greg just gave Louis a small smile before picking him up and carrying him like a bride. Niall and Louis giggled. Niall walked by Greg as they all entered the flat again. Greg paused at the door. After everyone had made it in the apartment Greg cleared his throat loudly. Everyone turned back to him, he took a dramatic step over the fresh hold.

"You know in some cultures that means that I just married you." Greg set Louis down and Louis blushed before giggling.

"You wish you married me Gregory Horan."  Louis sassed before running into the living room with Greg running after him. Niall giggled.

"Do they always act like that?" Zayn asked, pointing in the direction the two had ran in.

"Now that you mention it not usually. Greg hasn't acted like that with Louis since a few years ago. When Louis started to train with him. Maybe they had a thing." Niall said casually. Inside he was fuming, pissed at the idea of anyone touching his Louis.

"'A thing'?" Harry asked, voice shaky.

"I mean sometimes they were gone for days, weeks even. Practicing around the world with different Alphas. I remember one time they came home early. One Alpha had tried to take advantage of Louis while Greg was gone. Now that I think about it Louis had spent the week in Greg's room with him." Niall's face was blank, then his face soon turned angered. "GREG! LOUIS!" Niall yelled.

Both boys walked back, concern flooding their eyes but both sighed in relief to see that Niall was alright. "Yeah?" Both asked in unison.

"When you guys were around the world training did you sleep together?" Niall accused, pointing a finger at both of them. Both opened their mouths but closed them after nothing came out. Louis and Greg were as red as tomatoes. "YOU DID DIDN'T YOU?!" Niall yelled. His voice and face blank.

"I went into heat Ni! It wasn't his fault I swear!" Louis blurted, his eyes drifted down to the floor. The corner of Niall's lip twitched before blowing into a smile.

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