Chapter 5

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Niall and Greg watched as Louis hit the ground. He didn't die, he rolled, then he took of running. Niall took off down the stairs with everyone on his heels. He made it down to the lobby in record time and he ran out of the building but Louis was gone. He fell to the ground, sobbing. He was pulling at his hair as he started screaming out Louis' name.

He didn't come back. Niall could feel his heart slowly breaking apart. He could feel every individual piece breaking off until there was nothing left.

His brother was carrying him up the stairs but he was kicking and screaming and sobbing. He was throwing punches at his brother. Screaming at him to let him go! That he needed to find Louis but Greg just continued up the stairs with a heartbroken look on his face. Both of the brothers were breaking but Greg was numb while Niall was screaming in pain. All the loving words Louis had ever said to him was echoing in his head and all the things they did together was playing like a slideshow on Niall's eyelids.

All the times Louis kissed away his tears and soothed him to sleep. All the hugs and smiles they shared left Niall's skin tingling. When Greg set Niall down when they reached his apartment Niall tried to sprint to the window but Greg just held him as he screamed and cried and threw his punches and kicks.

Zayn and Liam walked into Niall's apartment and watched with sad eyes as Niall started breaking in front of them. They listened to the heart breaking screams leaving Niall's lips along with Louis' name and other things no one understood.

Liam and Zayn left soon after, not being able to take the heart wrenching screams or hear the broken sobs. Harry was nowhere to be found. He had run off after Louis, hoping to find him and make him fall in love with him.

But Greg stayed. He held his baby brother as he cried himself to sleep. He got up and started packing Niall's clothes and Louis'. He packed up Louis' pillows and blankets before taking them down to his car.

When he returned he grabbed Niall, wrapping him up in Louis' blankets and carried him down to his car. He buckled Niall in, wrapped in Louis' blankets and setting him down in the back on Louis' pillows. He took one last look at Niall's apartment building before starting the 10 hour drive to his father's flat.   

*11 hours later*

Greg pulled up into his fathers driveway and trip by trip unloaded Niall's stuff into his old room along with all of Louis' stuff. He went back to the car and carried his baby brother into the house and up the stairs and laying him down on his old bed. Nothing had changed since the day he left. He walked out of Niall's room before walking downstairs.

He hugged his father and explained what had happened and Bobby was fuming and close to tears at the same time. He wanted to gut this Harry kid but he also wanted to spend every last dime on sending search teams out after him. But by the time that all happened Louis could easily be on another continent.

Soon Greg left back to his flat a few hours from his fathers. While Niall was asleep Bobby made his son's favorite foods. Brownies, home made pizza, he squeezed lemons for lemonade and baked a chocolate cake.

After everything was done, as if on que, Bobby heard sobs and screams coming from upstairs. He quickly ran up the stairs and it took him a few moments to get passed the rancid smell of utter sadness before he opened his son's door.

He sat down and scooped his son into his arms, holding Niall as he cried for his best friend. He just petted his son and cradled the fragile omega while he cried. He'd never heard such heartbreaking sobs in his life and it was scratching at his alpha. All his alpha wanted to do was protect this little omega and run across the world in search for the other omega and alpha. He wanted to gut and skin the alpha alive, how could an alpha do something as bad as frown at a crying omega. How could an alpha call an omega anything like that without going insane and begging for forgiveness? He must be an unfit alpha obviously.

Niall's words broke his father from his thoughts. "I-I l-lov-loved him D-Dad!!!" and after that Niall fell back to sleep and Bobby carried him downstairs, wrapping him in Louis' blankets and sent. He set him on the couch and pulled out his phone.




"Hello?" A beta asked on the other line. Bobby growled lowly.

"Where is the person that gave you this phone?"

"Are you Niall, Greg, Liam, Harry, Zayn or Bobby?" the beta asked, ignoring the alpha's question.

"Bobby! Now where is the omega that gave you this phone?"

"He was an omega? He sure as hell didn't sound like one!"

"Yes I know! Now where was he going?"

"He just said he was going home. I don't know."

"Where were you when he gave you the phone?"

"About a 12 minutes ago he gave it to me and I was leaving a bakery."

"What town are you in?"

"London?" the beta asked more than answered as if the alpha should know. "Oh!! He wanted me to give you a message. Let me see, one second. I need to find the Bobby note." After a few seconds of waiting the beta hummed in approval. "'Dear Bobby, when you get this message I am already gone. I know you better than you think. I knew you'd be the first to call. I am sorry for upsetting Ni, I truly am. It wasn't supposed to end up like this. He was never supposed to find out. He was supposed to meet an alpha that could be everything I wasn't. I'm sorry for being a bad omega.  I am as my father said. 'A disrespectful omegan whore.' Bye Bobby, take care of my love.'"

The beta let out a deep breath, Bobby could hear the saddened beta on the other line. "Read me Niall's note!" The alpha commanded, knowing it wouldn't do anything to the beta but he was in to much distress and was far to sad to care. The beta must have sensed this because he didn't say anything back.

"He didn't leave a note for Niall. I'm sorry." The beta must have put it together somehow that Niall was Louis' love and Bobby was his father. Maybe Louis told him or the sounds Bobby was making or the notes.

"Then Greg's." The beta sighed but didn't hang up or protest.

"Dear Gregory. I know I've disappointed you with my behavior towards the alpha and I know I'm a bad omega. I didn't want to hurt Niall, honestly but he was never supposed to find out. Never. Bye, take care of him and find him an alpha."

"God damn it Louis!" Bobby yelled, waking Niall on the couch.

"Louis?!" He asked, jumping up and sprinting to his father and the phone. "Is he on the phone?!" He asked, crying desperately. Bobby didn't even get to answer before Niall grabbed the phone and held it to his ear. "Louis?!"

The omega seemed to deflate when the beta told him it wasn't Louis.

"I'm sorry love, it's not Louis." Niall started to cry, his heart breaking over again because he let his hopes rise. "Don't cry love, please don't cry babe! Do you want to hear what he left for you?" the beta tried to calm the sobbing omega on the other line. Niall sniffed and nodded, but the beta must have heard the movement. "He writes, 'Ni. I never meant to hurt you, you mean the world to me and it breaks my heart to leave you like that. But it's for the best and Liam was an alpha that was better for you." The beta sighed, hearing the omega sob again.

Niall hung up the phone throwing it across the room as he fell to the floor. Another wave of tears and screams shaking his body. He just crawled into the warmth and smell of Louis before crying himself back to sleep. Dreams filled with memories of Louis.

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