I know some of you may be wondering why the devil would I publish something like this, and you may be allowing your imagination to run off and have you guessing that I am critiquing everyone on Wattpad in one way or another. Let me reassure everyone that this is not the case.
I personally love to write... poetry, short stories, outlines, lists, etc. I'm sure you get the picture. Anyway I have been doing this since elementary school and have never stopped. However, over the years literary terms, devices, blah blah blah have changed so much that anymore I personally find it hard to keep track. (No age jokes please) I am also a bit of a perfectionist with my writing, which means I have a tendency to research a lot and re-write a lot before (and after) publishing. Call it a carry over from my father correcting my English every time I breathed when I was young and still in school. (He meant well but sheesh)
Over the years I've discovered information that I never heard about in school while taking English or Creative Writing. It kind of blows my mind really. Much of the information is rather useful and has helped improve my writing to a point, where it is easier to convey the emotion I want the reader(s) to feel (this is merely one example). So I simply thought to myself, if I could benefit why not share the information and let others benefit as well. So here we are.
All I ask is that you be patient with me as there is a ton of research information that I am combing through, organizing, and putting into laymen's terms where ever possible. This particular project of mine will deal with literature as it pertains to short stories, novels, etc. I will not be including those things as they relate to poetry (that is a future project that I have planned).
Please comment and let me know your thoughts, especially if any of the information has been helpful. Heck, comment if you have information that would be helpful and you would like to add it to this project. I would be happy to include it.
Resources to Better Writing (ReOrganizing & Editing)
Non-FictionI have done a considerable amount of research over the years in order to improve my writing abilities. Decided it might be a good time to share them with all the writers on Wattpad. I hope it helps. Enjoy!