Criminal justice system
Minor crimes
Major crimes
Laws impacting daily life
Common sentences for crimes (prison, labor, execution, etc.)
Police behavior, uniform, practices, powers
Prison conditions
Public opinion of law enforcement
Are criminals common or rare?
Is there a form of police?
Is there a formal army?
What is the system of government?
(Democracy? Dictatorship? Administration? Other?)
Political parties
Political ideologies
Ruler/King/Queen/President/Prime Minister
Prominent Members of Court/Government
Secret government agencies and/or organizations
Secret societies or anti-government movements
Public opinion of the ruler/government
Does the leader have special protection (Kings-guard, secret service)?
How long has the system of government been in place?
Is there a class or caste system? (different levels of citizenship)?
Is there slavery?
Does the government provide social assistance?
What is the system of taxation?
Does the government spy on its enemies? Its people?
The success or lack of it at creating a utopian society
Does magic exist? What constrains it?
Types of magic
Does an elite control magic or is it accessible to all?
Are there any magical creatures? Describe them.
To what extent is magic a learned skill or an innate talent?
Is magic a specialist, elite skill or is it used easily by commoners?
What is the price/cost of using magic?
Do magic users need to meet any specific criteria? Be celibate? Go through a ritual?
Does magic require tools and/or props?
How is one magic user stronger than another?
Can magic be combined to increase its strength?
What defeats magic?
Is magic admired/respected/feared/something else?
Is any magic illegal?
What is magic generally used for?
Common spells
Rare spells
Restrictions on spells
Common magical skills
Rare magical skills
Restrictions on magical skills
Common potions
Rare potions
Restrictions on potions
Prevalence of magic users
Society's perception of magic
Requirements of using magic
Availability of technology
Capabilities of technology
Level of technology (stone age, bronze age, high tech, etc.)
Weapon technology
Entertainment technology
Energy creation technology
Transportation technology
Space Travel
Interesting or unique technology
Do people believe in one God, many or none?
Is there more than one religion?
Do people make sacrifices to God(s)?
Does an elite control religion or is it accessible to all?
Major religions
Dynamics between religious groups
Places of worship
What are temples like?
Religious holidays
Morals and beliefs
Origin of religion
Prevalence of religion
Separation (or lack of separation) between church and government
Mythology and myths
Creation myths
Typical age of marriage
Do people marry for love or other reasons? What reasons?
How many spouses may a man or woman have?
Who decides on a marriage?
Can a marriage end in divorce and how would this work?
What types of marriages and sexual relationships are required, encouraged, allowed, and prohibited?
Typical number of children
Who raises the children?
Who usually takes custody of children if a marriage ends for some reason?
What happens to orphans?
How are boy and girl children treated differently?
Are girls or boys preferred and why?
What are the expectations of children?
Typical family dynamic/structure
How extended is an extended family?
How are families named?
Attitudes towards children
Attitudes towards the elderly
Attitudes towards romantic love
Care for elderly relatives (in-home, nursing homes, etc.)
Care for children (traditional parenting, nannies, boarding school, etc.)
Gender roles (or lack of gender roles)
Importance of birth order to family roles, inheritance, profession
How important are family connections and responsibilities?
How common or rare is domestic violence? Is this understood to be a problem or a normal aspect of family life? If it is seen as problematic, what is being done about it?
Describe a wedding.
Describe a funeral.
Resources to Better Writing (ReOrganizing & Editing)
Non-FictionI have done a considerable amount of research over the years in order to improve my writing abilities. Decided it might be a good time to share them with all the writers on Wattpad. I hope it helps. Enjoy!