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'So..' Connor said with a mouth full , 'Ya' excited ?' I shrugged.

'I mean , i guess..' After we left the mall , we still had time to spare , so we hit McDonald's , and thats where we were now. We sat , my hand in his ,while eating. Connor is the only friend that i have. And yes , were just friends.. I think hes gay , but does not want to tell me , but id be okay with him even if he was. I only started the job because i was bored and had nothing to do. Hes been up my ass ever since then.

I got pulled from my thoughts when connors phone went off , blasting some odd ring tone.

'Heloooo' he answered. 'Mmhmm.. Mmhmm.. Ya'.. Yep.. See you soon !' Connor stood up , throwing away our trash , and pulling me up with him.

'The guys need me there a little early , they said they have important news..' I giggled it taking a sip of my drink.

'Should i be worried ?'

As soon as we pulled into my drive , i herd the music blaring from next door.

'Shes really goin' over with this party , huh ?' I roled my eyes

'Guess so.' I took the bag out of my car , then we walked up to the door.  It wasn't long before someone opened it. Connor and i were making our way , threw a crouded house , when someone called his name.

'Well ? Ya' goin' ?' I asked

'What about you ?'

'I'll be here if you need me.'

'In the kitchen ?'

'In the kitchen.'

'Alone ?'

'Just go !' I laughed , 'Ill call if i need anything.' He gave me a kiss on the cheek before disappearing off in the croud. I hopped up to the counter and made myself cozy.

I've never been the.. 'Social type'. Connor and his band are always getting invited to partys , and he always wants me to come. And when i said i didnt know he was in a band , i lied. I just want to pick on him.

'Jade ?' I herd from somewhere in the sea of people. I got down from the counter to find me. A bright blonde appeared from the croud of people.

'Uh , hey..' I said , just smiling. The girl turned a redish color and just looked at me. Before things started getting too weird , she began.

'Wow. Im sorry.' She smiled 'Its.. Just.. Ive invited you all these years , and you show up now.. And you're just so.. Wow..' She mumbled out , taking a step back looking at me. I felt a blush growing to my face.

'Thanks.' She played with her fingers before someone began talking.

'This next song goes out to the birthday girl !' Said the voice. 'Where is she at ?'

'There's , your que.' I laughed.

'You're staying , right ?' I nodded. 'Till the end ?'

'Yes ! Go ! Have fun !' Before too long , she disappeared into a croud of people.


'Jade.. Jade.. Jade..' I herd Connor calling for me. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

'Yes ?' He came and stood next to me , took my hand in his and turned to a group of guys that followed him to me. Well.. Group of guys isnt what it was. It was only him and three others.

'She's a cutie , isn't she ?' Connor laughed looking down at me. When you only stand at 5'3 and the whole world is over 6 feet.. People seem to always look down to me. 'Meet my band. This is Brad , Tris , and James. Guys , this is my best friend-'

'Jade.' One of them cut him off before he could finish. I just laughed.

'Guess you talk about me a lot. It better be good.' I poked Connors cheek then got back up to the counter.

'Brad ? Do you know Jade ?' The one with curls looked to me before biting his lip and looking away.

'I've seen her somewhere. Probably the mall.' Connor used his thumb to draw little circles on my hand then put his head on my shoulder.

'Do you believe me now ?' I just laughed and nodded. 'Okay good.' He smiled.

'How about we leave this place and hang put somewhere else ?' Tristan asks.

'Yeah , sounds cool.' Brad nods. Connor let's go of my hand , and follows the boys out.

'Ya coming Jade ?' James stops and asks. I jump off and make my way to them.

'Mm , where are we going , and how are we going to get there ?' Conn asks once we get outside. They all look around at each other , and Tris fake laughs.

'Let's grab something to eat ?' He says , morely as a question.

'Yeah , sounds fun , we can take my car. I need to change first , though.' I say

'Mm , alright , how far do you live ?' James asks me. I watch Connor chuckle as he takes my hand , walking to my house. I herd the boy's footsteps behind us , as I was getting the keys from my purse. When I opened the door , I heard 'oohs' and 'awhs' and I laughed.

'You guys can sit here ,' I said , showing them to the living room.

Hey you guys !! Well here is chapter 2 and it kinda sucks , but hang in there !!! I have about more then half of the story already written.

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                       @ bad_bitxhz
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