3. The Computer Mix Up

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3. The Computer Mix Up

It must have been a regular morning. But the thing was that I didn't exactly remember. I probably ate breakfast and watched some television. I remember looking at the clock, 11am. The day was going by fast. There was nothing better to do so I decided to find my laptop and play some minecraft.

When logged in, I clicked the single player button and looked through my worlds. There was a survival world that I gave up on and a creative one that I would never delete. So I started a new world, hardcore mode. My first time trying such a world. After typing in a random seed I clicked the 'create new world' button and waited for a few seconds for the infinite world to be built.

First thing I see there, a minecart track, with a mine cart already set on redstone track with a lever next to it. I never saw this happen before in a new generated world, but I decided to check it out, of course I thought nothing had would happen. That's where my mistake was. As soon as I sat on the minecart and pushed the lever, I found myself, instead of a first person character, sitting there, looking around at the world.

I can say that I wasn't freaking out for some weird reason. Just riding a minecart, through a regular world. Mostly it was a forest biome, but it had fewer trees than one would expect.

As the minecart traveled further and further, a castle began to appear in sight. It wasn't exactly magnificent or really bad, it was just there. All made of stone, so I guess that's what made it fancy-ish.

As soon as the minecart came to a stop, I was able to get out. Two soldiers instantly got me and dragged me into the castle. They looked as though they were very serious, very cautious. As I looked into the sky, I saw many boulders flying everywhere. It looked like a war. Everything was just not right.

More men, with full armor and swords, started running out to the enemy. I tried to look back but the guards wouldn't let me. In the back of my mind I could hear myself hoping it wasn't Herobrine.

The architecture of the castle was simple, and that simplicity really made it pretty in its own little way. I didn't get to see to much of it because the guards took an instant turn to the left where a staircase hid in plain sight. I couldn't say that it was exactly a dungeon, more like a storage. There was a cellar door in the ground. A guard opened the door and the other threw me in. Everything was pretty light until the door slammed shut. I ran up to them hoping that I would be able to break them down or something, nothing worked.

A broken torch lay on the ground. I didn't find it until I almost tripped on it, but I picked it up and it came back to life. I got a good glimpse of the room. Chests lined the walls, as did shelves covered in various things and so did pictures. I couldn't see another way out, so I crawled to the other side of the room and closed my eyes, finding that the unknown darkness outside the barrier of my torch was scarier. I hugged my knees closer to my body and sat there.

After what seemed like an hour later, I heard yelling and clanking of swords and those minecraft sounds when you get hurt. I felt danger approaching. I scoured the chests hoping that this was some essential storage area, and to my luck, I found a diamond sword. The sword gave me a good sense of protection but that was exactly when a person got thrown through the door. I crawled over to the minecraft body, the skin seemed to be a king. But two figures came right in after him. I couldn't understand whether I should protect the king who put me here or save him and, by extension, his kingdom. There was no need for that. The man who entered after was in fact the 7th reincarnation of the Doctor. It was a good thing I knew all his faces, but sadly not all his companions.

The Doctor scanned the king and he appeared to be alright. Then he turned toward me. "What are you doing here?"

"Sort of got trapped here."

"No, I mean how did you get into the game?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." I simply shrugged.

"What's your name?"


"Just Alice?"

"Just Doctor?"

"How did you know?"

I face palmed myself. I wasn't thinking at all, and had to come up with something I say quickly. "You just... look like one, I suppose."

He looked at himself, sort of, and just nodded. A yell came from further away. The Doctor's companion came toward me and the Doctor stood in front of us. "Whatever happens now, you do not speak. Don't do anything stupid."

Out of nowhere, a huge man came crashing through the minecraft blocks. Practically destroying them with a single touch. I had no idea what to think.

I didn't remember much after that because the next thing I knew, I was sitting on a balcony watching a wrestling match. But it was that huge guy vs the Doctor (crazy dream huh). Of course the Doctor was miserably losing and his companion went off to somewhere else. I lost interest and thought I could find something cooler to do. Best place ever, the TARDIS.

Surprisingly she let me in. The control room was pretty basic, following the original design and not really going to bigger heights, like the next TARDIS. The 8th Doctors is my favorite, alongside the 11ths 1st TARDIS interior. So much imagination and infinite possibilities. There was bound to be something more to do. A corridor hall was easily spotted so I went there. Room after room after room and still nothing interesting and still no sign of a companion. The TARDIS led me back to the controls and I exited.

To my surprise, sitting on a bench right outside the door, and in order, were Rose, 10, Amy, 11, and River. There were no words to make anyone understand what I was thinking. Firstly, I guess no spoilers. And after that there was nothing. I didn't say anything and they didn't respond with anything. I was hoping for a conversation of some kind, or maybe I just don't remember it.

There was something in me telling me to run. To just run and don't stop. I didn't understand it. These were the Doctors. The only person to really be worried about was River, but she is my favorite companion. My mind was pulling me in all sorts of directions, and when the Doctors stood up, I turned right where I stood and just ran.

Ran like my life depended on it.


Ok so not the best. Not a lot. It's just I can't truly describe my dreams. Either very little happens or a lot happens, like in this dream, but its just weird trying to describe a dream you half remember. Anyway, yeah. Thanks for reading!

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