My Bullies

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" Hey faggot " A guy with raven hair said to me. I could see he and his 'posy' right behind me. I decided not to say anything and just stand here waiting for the beating.

It's not that I like what they do to me it's just that I gotten use to this. With everything they tell me and do to me I just blackout at times. Sometimes I'm too numb to even feel anything because of all the pain the cause me.

'Cant we just let him be.' Curly says to the raven boy.

'Ya come on Zayn just let it go he hasn't done anything, yet." The one with a with a baseball t-shirt tells him while trying to hide a smirk.

So as you can see, they do this to me. I don't know why but, it just happens it probably started because everyone became popular and I just became a loner.

I used to have friends but, then one day they just left me and I was alone. My own family doesn't like me but, that's another story I can't get into too much detail, all I can say is that I live alone.

Let me tell you a little about my bullies the one with the jet black raven hair is Zayn, he's like their 'leader'.

Then there is Liam, the one with the white and red shirt. He actually resembles a puppy but when he's not acting tough.

Next theirs Harry the one next to Liam, he has moppy curls.

And then theirs Louis, he's right next to Harry and he always gets in trouble because he's like the 'prankster' in their 'group', for some reason.
He used to wear a lot of stripes and Capri's but then he stopped I don't know why. I thought he looked nice but ,not as in I like you way, it's more of a complement.

So, these are just some of my bullies there's more of them but I can't tell you about them, well not yet.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a fist colliding with my stomach and then suddenly I was on the ground.

" Aww Zayn I think you hit him too hard now I won't be able to have as much fun " Louis said with a pout.

" Boobear you can still have 'fun' with him see " Harry said as he slammed me towards a locker, all I did was grunt in pain.

" Ok I guess Hazza." Louis said with a grin.

" Hey guys don't take all the fun I wanna have so fun with this fag too." Liam said with a smirk on his face.

" You guys we can all have some fun. " Zayn finally said as he punched me in the guts one more time. While I was still against the lockers.

I was now lying on the cold hard floor, again. But, this time they started kicking me. All I can say is that it hurt like hell.

" Come on guys lets leave this 'thing' here." Harry said as he kicked me one last time. As I spit up blood, I saw something in his eye, but as soon as it came it also left.

" Yea come on guys lets go. " Liam said with a pleased smile,like he got what he wanted from my pain.

" Ok well finish this another time " Louis said. Not even trying to hide the smirk plastered on his face.

" Ok bye fag til next time." Zayn said and with that they left. They left me here laying half dead, on the cold hard surface.

I had to gather all or actually what was left of my energy just so I could stand up. But that failed, the next minute I was falling face flat on the cold surface. Well, it was now a bloody surface because of what they did to me.

I was about to faint until I feel warm hands around my waist. They then carried me but, I couldn't see their face because my eyes suddenly closed.

Author's note:

Hey guys I hope you guys like the first chapter I know it's not that good but ill try to make the chapters better please comment if you like them and please help me out I'm new at this 10 reads for the next chapter and I got so excited because people actually read this but please help me out give me advise hope you like it

If you guys like it ill keep this fanfic going and probably post sooner and if i see really good results I m,got post everyday a new chapter hope you like it please comment :)

PS the chapters will get better I promise but this is the first chapter it will also get more interesting just comment if you want me to write anything specific ok thanks hope you like it :)

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