The Meeting

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I woke up and literally RAN  downstairs. I was going to meet him today! TODAY!
I made my breakfast, then realized that he was soon here. I got nervous and waited for the text.

*buuuzzz* that was my phone. I got it out of my pocket and looked at the screen
Hamppe/I'm here now 😘❤️❤️❤️\
I said nothing, because of the heat I didn't get a jacket I just got on some shoes and started to walk, the moment I got out of the house I plugged in my headphones and listened to music all the way. Right before I got to the last turn I stopped. I was so nervous... I walked to the buss stop and I saw someone in the shadow from a tree. He walked up to me and I just stopped and stared. He... No... That can't be him, he's so tall... When he got closer I recognised his face. It was him! 😳😳😳
"Hey!" He said, I just stood there being quiet.
"Hi." I said after a while. He hugged me. His hugs are so cozy 😍😍😍
I smiled and he looked at me.
"You lead the way! 😂😂😂" He said. I just laughed. I walked and he followed me just a step after. I couldn't believe he was so damn tall 😋
We walked quietly for a while, then he asked.
"So how are you today?"
"I'm good thanks, what about you?"
"I'm just great" He smiled a giant and amazing smile. I wanted to kiss him... So badly. But didn't dare to stop him for such a small thing, we got home after a few minutes of walking.
"Sorry for the mess..." I said and he just noded. I walked to mom and said hello, he said kindly hello to her too. She smiled and said hi.
I walked up to my room as I usually do. I was so nervous I was shaking I sat down by the computer and he just stood there, he told me to move. So I moved to my bed.
"Nooo come back here" He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me back to him,  I sat down on his lap. I stopped shaking. What is this witchery!? His arms slowly wrapped around my waist and I just blushed. I'm not used to that... We sat down watching Youtube and had a fun time. He told me to get up so I did. He spun me around and told me to sit down again. I sat down and this time I faced him. He looked at me with his amazingly pretty eyes, I admired him without thinking. He looked at me and smiled. He leaned in a bit, so I took my shoot. I kissed him, I blushed and so did he. He gave me a small smile and kissed me back. I smiled too and well we ended up kissing like a thousand times that day. When he had to leave it had gotten a little cold since the sun was gone. He followed me to the spot we where suppose to meet his parents. I was nervous, what if they didn't like me?! He saw me shivering so he told me to come closer, he gave me one of his cozy hugs and I stopped shivering. He let go and I started to shiver again. He hugged me and I relaxed again, his heat was amazing. How could he keep his warmth in this cold??? He looked at me at least ten times and I kissed him as an answer, his parents messaged him to see where we were. We answered at the spot we would meet up. It took a while for them to find us and he walked up to the car.
"Bye..." I said and hugged him.
"Bye...." He answered and hugged me back.
"Bye!" His mom said and smiled, she seems nice!
They drove of and I started to walk back home. When I got home I started to cry. How can I like someone this much that I cry when he leaves?! This is just amazing! The last time I cried when was my friend went suicide.
I got to my computer and turned it on. At least an hour after he called me up on skype and we kept talking on there instead, what he doesn't know is that he actually saved me from suicide too... I got called names in school, and NO ONE cared nor noticed it anyway. So no use to actually tell the teachers about it. They wouldn't give a shit about it honestly... I was going to hang myself after school... Then he messaged me under school time and made me happy, and made me realise that I got something to live for still. He was so nice that day. And kept being nice the weeks after that.
He is my "hero without a cape" as I would say. He just saves me in my bad situations!
He just doesn't know it YET! 😍❤️

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