Chapter the Forth

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Chapter the Forth: 

Anna's POV

Still being in a state of confusion as to why Alex didn't reveal herself to the outside world, I packed all my remaining food and threw it into the bin. For a school which hated the living daylights out of our souls (The LGBT community) they were in love with the main member of our group. A part of me tells me that some persons know what Alex's real gender is but are too scared to talk about it.

Take Chelsea for example. She is completely and unmistakably intimidated by Alex and would never rat her out to the rest of the school body. Even she was surprised that I knew the truth. But, what I wanted to figure out was, 'how did Chelsea find out?' Did she sleep with Alex? Were they friends before? Did something terrible happen between the two?

My brain was currently filled with so many thoughts that I didn't even remember what I was doing. The sound of laughter erupted through my eardrums, alerting me of my surroundings.

We were still in the cafeteria and the bell was now ringing. Everyone but the popular kids dashed to class. Kara, Logan and Mia were now walking towards my direction with their trays, laughing away at some crappy joke I assume.

"So, Anna, you're going to be hanging with us from now on." Kara says, flipping her red hair over her shoulder, walking towards the entrance of the lunch hall. Mia and Logan follow suit and I decided to walk behind also. Hey, let's face it, I didn't want to be the last one left in here, did I?

"Yeah, oh my God you're gonna have so much fun!" Mia squeals, doing a little happy jump and a clap. One of my eyes twitch as I forced a smile on my face. Faking interest, I allowed the conversation to flow by replying with, "I can't wait! Really..."

"Once you're with us, you're going to be automatically respected. I mean, we are  the queen bees-"

"I am the queen bee of this school. No one will dear lay a finger on such a doll as yourself once you're on my good side. And to make things even better, your looks along side mine, should make every guy fall head over heels for you."

When Kara was done cutting off Logan, she winked at me over her shoulder as she opened the doors. Logan's facial expression changed, realizing that Kara didn't acknowledge all three to be on the same level. O, trouble in paradise I see. Now that's the type of fun I'd love to see.

I could already see it. The three most popular girls at Angelica's High splitting up. New groups will be formed, many more students will have dirt on them and the lesbians and gay dudes don't have to build a closet over their already existing ones.

Already in the hallway, the sound of their heels were too much for my ears. There must be some way that I could escape from here. Oh Lord, I know that my wish for big boobs was enough but I need an escape plan, please. If you're up there man, help a chicka out, yeah?

Trying my best to ignore the blabbering Mia and Logan did to catch Kara's attention, I observe around me. Directly in front of me, I see Chelsea rushing into the lady's room. 'This is it!' I tell myself, finding an easy escape.

"Hey guys, I'll catch up with you later, I've got some lady business to take care of," I say, about to open the door for the washroom. My eyes could have already seen the light from the inside of the room when I was pulled back by a strong hold on my wrist.

"We can come with you," Mia says, looking all stupid and up in cloud nine. What the hell did she think I was going and do? Create tiny organisms who can save the world from ear fungi? 

"Um, I can do this on my own," I respond, tugging my hand away from her but her grip was too tight. It wasn't the right time for me to kill their trust so I needed to play this off well. Letting out a sigh, I offer the group a sad smile. Logan seemed to have caught on and she too gives Kara the look.

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