Chapter the Second

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Chapter the Second: Feeling at Home

Anna's POV

After our little 'meeting' Alex disappeared somewhere behind one of the three doors. Being a little confused with myself, I didn't know what to do. This chick reminds me of some psycho and living in the same dorm with her for the rest of the school year makes the hairs on my skin stand erect. Oh gosh, what am I going to do? I don't even know where to put my stuff as yet.

Letting out a sigh, I viewed my bags on the floor and scanned the place with my eyes. Three doors, one must be the toilet and the two other ought to be rooms. If I'm in luck, Alex will be kind enough to tell me where I should place all my stuff and how I should actually start setting in.

Out of nowhere, I heard a yawn, and a figure walked in front of me and took a seat on the sofa. Switching the TV on, Alex's eyes shot to my direction as she raised an eyebrow at me. Feeling a little insecure when her hazel eyes met mine, I placed some loose strands of my hair behind my ear. She was so hot, and what she was doing with her face could have anyone in some sort of a trance.

"Aren't you going to put your bags somewhere or something? Just standing around is making the air stale." The words slid off her tongue as calmly as she shook her head. Even when saying simple things, she made it come out in a mean way. Alex's eyes were now fixed on the TV screen and no longer glued on me.

"Well, if I actually knew where to put my stuff, then I wouldn't be standing here and making the air stale." There was a little attitude in my voice as I folded my arms across my chest. With a slick motion, her eyes were now facing me, the look on her face had 'boredom' written all over it'. "Okay, Barbie, I'll show you the way."

Getting off of the sofa, I could hear a few chuckles escape her lips. I didn't see that as a problem as I followed after her. I swear, whatever fragrance she used had my heart beating so rapidly in my chest. If I wasn't working on my sanity, all by now I would have jumped and raped Alex on the spot. But... I loved my life and she looked like someone who could kill me with her pinky finger.

"So, let's get this straight. The first door is the bathroom, the one in the middle is my room and the door to the very end is not your room but just a place where you'll be sleeping," She says to me, looking over her shoulder and making sure her eyes meet mine. I nod in understanding, not being in any type of position to argue.

"Here are the keys, make yourself at home Blondie," Alex says, reaching and taking the key which hung on the hook next to the door. A soft laugh escapes her lips the moment that we exchanged the key. Something suspicious was going on here and I knew it. Nonetheless, I whispered a quick, "Thanks," in return.

"If I were you, thanks would be the last thing I'd be saying right now."

"Huh?" I question not really catching on to the scene.

Alex only shakes her head, raked her fingers through her hair and at the same time licking those rose pink lips of hers. Goodness, why does everything she does make my hormones rage so damn much?!

Grabbing her bag off the chair, she turns to my direction whilst walking backwards towards the exit of the dorm. "Just a little heads up, don't use anything in here to clean up your little 'mess'. Stay away from my stuff Barbie, and we'll be as cool as cucumbers," With that, she winks in my direction and heads out of the room.

Being a little clueless as usual, I shrug and decide to finally open the room which I'll be staying in for a few months. Thinking to myself, I say, 'Hmm, I wonder if this room smells like Alex too.' A little smirk was plastered on my lips as I held my breath and closed my eyes when opening the door. Taking a single step inside, I take the deepest breath that I have taken in years.

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