Sing To Me

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Do you want to know what my favorite song is? I know it sounds lame, but guess what it is?

Your happiness.

Believe it or not, there are people who care about you. Maybe they don't show it enough, or at all really. They do care, maybe they are just too busy or scared. I know that you don't feel loved. You don't think you deserved to be saved, do you? I don't mean saved in any religion sense. I don't have a religion. I mean saved, as in loved or cared for. Saved from the horror in this world. Saved from yourself. 

You deserve good things. You have struggled, you have fought, and you need to keep fighting. Please don't give up now. Even if you can't see it right now, there is something in your future that you are gonna be glad you get to see. In twenty years, you are gonna be so happy that you are still here.

Someone once said something so true that it kept me going. Things are always okay in the end. So, if things aren't okay; it's not the end.

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