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It was hot. Needless to say, it was scorching in the Gerudo Desert. Though, the Gerudo tribe was fairly used to such weather, it didn't mind them as much as the Hylians. Hyrule was just lucky their weather was more fair than the weather here.

To and fro, the older Gerudo woman were walking back and forth, each carrying something, they were doing their jobs for the day.

Today was actually a splendid day for the Gerudo people, minus the heat rays of the sun. The best Gerudo blacksmith in the village had finally finished crafting the Gerudo Village's gift to Hyrule Castle- the Gerudo Sword.

The person who was going to deliver said sword to Hyrule Castle, was the Gerudo tribe's current leader- Ganondorf. Everyone in the village was curious to know why he had suddenly come back a few years ago, after being gone for so long. All the information Ganondorf provided to his people, was that it was "a tightly locked imprisonment". They just assumed he got locked up somewhere. In truth, he had broken out of the Sacred Realm after being banished there by the Hero of Time and the Princess of Destiny. When he was first sealed away, he was a greedy and vile man. But when he broke free of the realm's grasp, he had completely changed. He felt he didn't need ultimate power all the time, and he was actually kind to anyone he met.

The Gerudo were also concerned about this. In all the ancient textbooks of old, it reads that the Gerudo Tribe's leader used to be so greedy and vile. But that was all the furthest information the textbooks provided the Gerudo people, leaving them still curious to this day.

But, the Gerudo people decided to give him another chance, after seeing how kind he was now.

Though Ganondorf was the leader of the tribe, he didn't exactly live in absolute luxury. He had a somewhat humble home, it wasn't as big as Hyrule Castle and never would get that big, but was bigger than all of the other homes in the Gerudo Desert. He had his servants, butlers and maids and all, to serve him food and such.

One of the maids in particular somehow became very close with Ganondorf, as friends, of course. It was a twenty-nine year old Gerudo woman named, Najia. She sported most of the same looks as the other Gerudo woman, but she had her differences. Her hair was long and deep red like everyone else's, but she had light orange ombre at the ends of her hair. Her lips were full and painted with pink, and she wore dark purple attire, similar looking to other Gerudo women's fashion.

Najia walked into the room Ganondorf was in, and quietly. Ganondorf was currently writing some sort of document, in peace. The quill he was writing with furiously wrote on the paper, and every few seconds he'd dip the quill into the small jar of ink, and then continue to write again.

A smile played on Najia's lips, as she screamed out, "Boo!"

Somehow, that scared the living daylight out of the Gerudo leader. He jumped back slightly, still staying on his chair, but his inked quill dropped to the floor, staining the red carpet. Ganondorf turned around furiously, and furrowed his eyebrows at Najia.

"Najia! Why did you do that?!" he yelled.

Najia laughed, "Oh, I only did it 'cause there was no other way I could get your attention!"

"You could've just walked up here peacefully, and asked me." Ganondorf huffed, then turned back to his papers. He pulled a different quill out of the jar of quills on his desk, dipped it in the ink, and began to write again.

"Now that you're aware that I'm standing in your presence, I have a piece of information the blacksmith ordered me to tell you," Najia said, examining her nails for a brief moment. She then crossed her arms and looked back at the Gerudo leader.

"Ah, what does he have for you to tell me?" Ganondorf replied, seeming unamused.

"Well," Najia started, "You know of the sword he's been workin' on since three months ago, aye? Well, he's finally got it finished and prepped for you to deliver to Hyrule!"

Ganondorf sighed, "I'm glad to hear. I'm just still bewildered on why we have made this sword for Hyrule. They've been nothing but trouble for us, ever since the Hylian and Gerudo War, all those years ago."

"They're the ones who don't have the courage to just make peace with us. So we're asking peace from them with this gift from our tribe... has it all gotten through your think skull now?" Najia asked sarcastically, tapping her head.

"I've got no thick skull. I'm just curious to know why we suddenly care now if we get along with those Hylians or not." he said.

"Psh, what happened between our races, is all in the past! You're acting old now. Why can't you just move on?" Najia asked.

Ganondorf growled, "Because of reasons I don't wish to say aloud."

Najia stopped talking, and but her lip nervously. "Ah, sorry, Ganondorf. I didn't mean to upset you. But, you're delivering the sword to Hyrule Castle tomorrow, y'know... you best be ready tomorrow for the long trip!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Ganondorf waved his hand up, "I guess, you're right, it is time to finally make peace with these Hylians."

"Aw, that's the spirit!" Najia chirped, and smiled cutely, "But, I best be on my way now. If ya need anything, just come and get me."

The Gerudo woman left the room quietly without saying another word.

Ganondorf sighed, then looked down at the paper he was writing on. The ink on his quill that was once fresh when Najia came in, was now dried up. He sighed, putting the quill back into the quill jar, and then looked at the paper once more.

"I guess... I can give Hyrule another chance..."


A/N: You know this by now, I think. I'm going to apologize to _ChiliStar_ again, cuz I probably screwed something up again in this story... eh, I'm just kind of going off of what's happening in my mind right now. I can change anything in this chapter if you'd like, Chili.

Also, Najia is just some random character I came up with for this book. You can imagine whatever she looks like, because I'm not drawing what she does look like, because I can't draw.

Alright, I think I'm done talking now. But, I don't know why I'm talking so much, no one's gonna read this -shrug-.



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