Chapter 1

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A/N: hey people! Hope your enjoying it so far! Please remember to comment, vote and fan!!!!!

Sagen sat in his chair with his elbow on his desk, resting his chin on his hand. His long, shaggy blond hair fell in front of his eyes. He had grown it long so he could cover his eyes with it while he slept in class. It kept the light out and prevented the teacher from knowing he was asleep.

He stared at the board through his hair while his math teacher Mrs. Clarke droned on and on about angles. At least, he assumed that's what the unit was now, from the images on the board drawn in dark red. Mrs. Clarke had also scribbled down some incomprehensible squiggly lines that were supposedly numbers.

At this point, Sagen would rather be at home listening to his little sister whining. At least she spoke with expression. Whereas Mrs. Clarke spoke as if she was a robot.

Finally, just when Sagen thought he would die of boredom, the bell rang. One of the grade nines from last year had tampered with the bell and ended up breaking it. Now it sounded like a little girl screaming at the top of her lungs. The sound was so shrill and sudden that it made Mrs. Clarke jump in the middle of writing the letter 'd'. It actually looked more like a 'd' than her usual.

"Okay class you may go." said Mrs. Clarke in her toneless voice.

Relieved, Sagen grabbed his binder and headed towards the door. His best friend Pace was standing there waiting for him.

"Hey bro," Pace said enthusiastically. "I see you survived another class taught by the cyborg. Although, by the looks of you, just barely."

Sagen grunted in response.

"C'mon! Move out of the way people!" Sagen looked towards the voice to see Delta shoving her way through the crowd on her way over to him and Pace.

In a way, Sagen kind of admired Delta. She was a little bit shorter than normal, but nobody bugged her about it because she had an enthusiastic attitude and was really hyper and out-going.

She had two neon blue streaks in her hair on the right side of her head, standing out in her otherwise dark brown locks. The streaks matched her blue eyes that were always bright with happiness.

She always wore bright and colorful clothes, and today was no different. Today she was wearing an orange shirt with "Queen Of Skittles" written across the front, yellow leggings, and tangerine colored ballet flats.

By the time Delta had made it over to them, she had already elbowed, pushed, and occasionally scratched everybody in the crowd.

"Hey guys," she said cheerfully. "Cinder's waiting for you at the picnic table outside by the flag pole."

Sagen grinned at the way Delta talked. Kind of high-pitched, and when she's excited, really fast. Most of the time, she sounded kind if like why Sagen imagined a bird would talk like.

"Okay. Thanks for letting us know, tell her we'll be there in a minute." Pace said.

"Will do." she said, sounding very bird-like.

With that, she turned on her heels, and left to meet up with Cinder, her neon shirt fading in and out of view as Delta pushed back through the crowd.

Sagen and Pace headed to their neighboring lockers to put their binders away, and grab their backpacks.

"So Sage," Pace said. "I was gonna go on a hike tonight. You wanna come?"

Sagen tugged on his backpack and pulled it out of his locker along with his winter jacket, a metal water bottle, a sketchbook, a a pack of gum.

"Sure. My mom would probably be okay with it, but she'll kill me if I'm not back by ten." said Sagen, stuffing it all into his backpack.

"I'm fine with that. Do you think the girls will wanna come too?" Pace asked.

"I don't know, but you should probably ask them anyway. I don't want no girls yelling in my ear 'cause we didn't invite them." Sagen threw his backpack over his shoulder, and made his way outside to see Cinder and Delta.

He found then at the picnic table by the flag pole, just like Delta had said. Delta was throwing snowballs into the mob of people swarming outside. One of the snowballs landed straight on top of Mr. Lameo's head. Mr. Lameo taught history, and that was pretty much all he knew: history. He looked around, confused as to why snow was landing on his head and nobody else's. Apparently he found no answer, for he wiped the snow off his head and continued walking, a lot more carefully this time.

As soon as he was out of hearing range, Cinder and Delta burst out laughing. That laughed until the doubled over, and people gave them weird looks.

Just then, Pace walked up. "Anybody feel like a hike?" he said cheerfully. They all agreed to meet by the old burned down ice-cream shop at the end of Charleston Street at 5:00.

Though as Sagen walked away, he had a strange feeling that he just couldn't shake. He decided he was just being paranoid, and kept walking.

A/N: sorry it's not the best, but still,

please vote, comment and fan!!!!! :)

PS: I'll go back and edit it some time this week hopefully.

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