Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

A/N: first of all, I just wanted to say I'm REALLY sorry for the long waits, it's just I thought nobody was reading this book, and I was just about to delete it, but then I saw that people had commented on it asking me to update because they like it, and I was so excited that I wrote this in like 5 minutes so that's why it's bad. That was the worst run-on sentence ever lol. Anyway, so sorry for the people that actually like this book and wanted me to update. I know it's really short and terrible, and for that reason I will try my very hardest to have something better and longer up in the next few days.

Please remember to vote, comment, and fan!!!!

Ps: thank you so much to all the people that are sticking with this book!!!! I really truly appreciate it!! :)

All around him were trees, many trees. Too many trees for comfort. Too many places for evil to hide. He had been hiking all day, searching for a way back to civilization. But he had gotten completely lost. He had no idea where he was, and the only thing he could do was keep walking.

He was still set on finding his way out, but at the very edges of his mind, the shadowy figure of the wolf was creeping up on him. Every rock, every branch. They we're all evil, all sent to kill him. Sagen had never been scared of the dark, but standing alone in the woods at night after seeing a giant wolf wasn't doing much good for him.

His eyes began to droop despite the cold, the fear and the desperation. Sagen was growing tired, and he feared he would succumb to the pull of sleep. But he refused. He would not become wolf-chow. He held on to the knowledge that when -not if- he got back home, his family would embrace him and tell him they loved him, tell him that they were so happy he made it home. He held onto that, and it was the only thing that kept him going long enough to notice the cave.

It was a large cave, with sides that were broken and crumbling, but not so much that it looked like it was going to collapse. It didn't look like it had any inhabitants, but Sagen wasn't taking any chances. He found a rock half-buried in the snow and pulled it out with his bare hands. His frozen fingers burned as he pulled the rock out of its blanket of snow. The rock was about the size of both his fists, and looked to be pretty solid.

Sagen put the rock in his jacket and shivered as it made contact with his stomach through his shirt. He looked around for a good tree, and after selecting one with low, thick branches, proceeded to climb it. His hands were numb by now, and it was hard to get a good grip on anything. His hands slipped on a branch and Sagen slid down the trunk, grabbing randomly for anything to hold on to.

Finally, his hand made contact with a branch, and he gripped down on it hard. His body jerked to a stop and he cried out in pain. Quickly, he glanced towards the cave. There was no sign of movement. He exhaled a quiet breath of relief and started slowly and torturously making his way back up the tree. He made it about three quarters of the way up, and sat down carefully on a branch. He was about fifteen feet off the ground. Hopefully, if anything came out of the cave, it wouldn't notice him.

Sagen took careful aim and threw the rock as hard as he could straight into the mouth of the cave. He listened carefully and heard a sharp crack as it connected with a wall of the cave. Huddling himself into the smallest form he could while still balancing on the branch, Sagen watched the mouth of the cave for ten, fifteen, twenty minutes and nothing happened. He was too hyped up on adrenaline to think about sleep by now.

Finally, Sagen decided it was safe enough to go down and carefully shimmied down the trunk, making as little noise as possible. He walked slowly and cautiously to the mouth of the cave, and stuck his head inside.

It wasn't as big on the inside as it looked to be on the outside, but it was shelter and Sagen wasn't going to complain. He could see to the very back of the cave, and it was obvious that nothing had been here for a long time. There were small animal skeletons in the back, but there was no extra meat on them like they had recently been killed. They were completely decomposed.

Sagen crept to the back of the cave and looked around, he couldn't see anything that looked harmful in any way, but he could see a little hole in the bottom part of one wall. It didn't look completely stable, but it didn't look like it was about to collapse either and Sagen decided to chance it.

There was just enough room for him to lay down, curled up like a cat. The walls weren't particularly warm, but before Sagen could get up to light a fire, the adrenaline surge left him, and he was pulled into the deep darkness of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2013 ⏰

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