Chapter 2

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A/N: hey everybody! First of all, I just wanted to apologize for the really long wait. Truth be told, I don't really have a good excuse so I hope you all can forgive me. On a much happier note, I hope you all enjoy!!! Please vote and comment!!!!!

Chapter 2

The while world was white; Sagen could see nothing. He heard his friends calling his name, getting farther and farther away. He heard the wind roaring. He heard his footsteps. But he couldn't see anything.

His entire world had turned into a white blur. The wind blew the snow around like each flake was a really tiny rag doll.

He ran through the woods, towards the direction of his friend's voices, running into trees, rocks, and getting swatted in the face with tree branches. The voices were fading, and no matter how hard he ran, he couldn't catch up.

Finally, when he couldn't run any longer, he tripped. He landed on his side and began to roll down a hill he hadn't known was there because he hasn't been able to see it before.

Suddenly, he began to roll straight down . Only, he couldn't feel the snow underneath him as he rolled. It was them Sagen realized that he was falling, not rolling. The air rushed past him, blowing even more snow into his face. He couldn't see the bottom. All he could see was white.

How did it come to this? He thought.

It had been just a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary. The group had all met at 5:00 and gone over their route. They had set off with high spirits.

Sagen had been collecting cool rocks; Delta had been carving sticks with her pocket knife; Cinder had been taking pictures; and Pace had been mimicking bird calls.

"Here Sage!" Cinder had said, shoving the camera into his hands. "Take a picture of us!"

They had posed by a giant pine tree, Cinder in the middle with her arms around Delta and Pace's shoulders.

In the picture, Cinder's fiery red hair and baby blue eyes completely overshadowed Delta's brown hair and blue eyes, and Pace's blond hair and sea-green eyes.

They had eaten a quick snack, but for some reason, Sagen just hadn't been all that hungry. He had put the rest of his left-over sandwich in his backpack, and they had set off again.

They had been walking for about twenty minutes when the snowstorm came. Sagen had gone one way, and everybody else had gone another. Then he had ended up here.

I guess you never know. What seems like just another day could be your last. Sagen thought.

Sooner than he expected, he hit the ground. He began to slide down a different hill. Not this again. He thought.

He stopped on flat ground. Amazingly, he found that he could get up with little problem, although he was quite sore.

Sagen looked up and saw that it was getting darker. He knew there was no way he could find his way home under normal circumstances, let alone in the dark, while he was practically too sore to walk. Even though the idea terrified him, he decided that the best plan of action would be to camp out here over night.

The wind began to die down, and the snow settled. Then Sagen could see why he was alive and still able to stand.

The face of the cliff had collapsed a while ago. All the snow and dirt had piled halfway up the side of the cliff and created a ramp that Sagen had slid down.

Amid the dirt and snow, Sagen could make out pieces of a chain-link fence. It was then that he put the pieces together. The cliff he had fallen down was Shaun's Slope.

The cliff had gotten its name from a kid named Shaun, who had gone hiking in this part of the woods alone. Some poor hikers had found Shaun two days after he had gone hiking, at the bottom of this cliff literally frozen solid. They had come running all the way back to town acting hysterical. They had been able to determine by his tracks that he had been chased off the cliff by a wolf.

Eventually, the word had got around to everybody, and they decided to name the cliff "Shaun's Slope."

One week later, the police had put up a chain-link fence to keep it from happening again. They never counted on the cliff partially collapsing.

Sagen headed towards the side of the cliff. There was a small hollowed out space in the rock that he could fit in pretty easily.

He threw his backpack into the hole, and climbed in after it. He discovered that the inside was actually bigger than it looked. The sides were curved outward and the ceiling was curved like a dome. It sort of reminded Sagen of a hamster ball.

He also found that the rock walls provided no heat. He was freezing. His jacket did little to protect him from the cold. But he had no firewood ad nothing to light a fire with.

He decided to see what all he had. He set his backpack on the ground, and emptied everything out of it. When he was done with his backpack, he emptied out his pockets.

Finally, when everything was laid out on the ground, he had: half a sandwich left-over, a metal water bottle, a sketchbook, a pack of gum, and the cool rocks.

He took a quick drink from the water bottle, the water freezing his tongue. He went to stuff it back into his backpack, but he dropped it. It hit one of the rocks and created a spark.

Sagen stared at the rock, speechless. He remembered reading about this type if rock for a science project. It was flint. A type of rock, that when hit with steel, created a spark.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He grabbed his sketchbook, and began ripping pages out of it. Those pages, he ripped in to strips. He set them on the ground, and used the rocks to make a circle around the pile if torn paper. He picked up the flint and angled it down towards the paper. Then he picked up his water bottle, and hit the flint. It created a spark that lit a strip of paper. He did it over and over again till he had a decent fire.

He sat back, feeling rather proud of himself, and had just realized that he would need firewood to keep it going all night when he heard the howl. It was the howl of a wolf, and it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up.

There were wolves in these woods, which meant he might be in danger if he didn't block the cave off somehow. He remembered the fence in the snow, and completely forgetting the firewood in his hurry, ran outside to get some. He found a piece that looked like it would fit and dragged it back to the cave. He crawled inside, and shoved the mangled ends of the fence into the snow on both sides of the cave entrance.

He took another couple bites of his sandwich, pulled his jacket tighter around himself, and settled down on the cold, hard rock. After many hours of tossing and turning, he finally fell asleep.

A/N: hope you all liked it!!!!! Please remember to vote, and comment. Thanks so much to all of my readers! Even the silent ones! :)

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