Season 19, Episode 23 (The One With The Pillow Fight)

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My new apartment is perfect.

I spin around in a circle in the empty living room while Ryan trains the camera on me. I try to imagine what it would be like being in here without that camera. I can't.

That's a problem.

"Noe is going to love this place," I say to myself, but out loud because it's weird to be silent around the camera. In reality TV, the camera becomes another person in the room. Sometimes you forget it can't talk back to you.

The apartment's in Santa Monica, a five-minute walk to the beach and just a few streets over from where Liam lives. Palm trees line the sidewalks and the air smells like salt and french fries. The apartment itself is a two-bedroom and super cute.There are glass doorknobs and each room is a different color.

When I get back to our apartment, I'm practically bursting with the news.

"The only bad thing is that there's no garage—street parking only," I'm saying. "But we both have small cars—it'll be totally fine."

Noe sits on the couch, tucking her feet underneath her. I notice she hasn't said a word.

"So..." I say. "What do you think?"

"Erik and I are moving in together," she blurts.

"What? When were you going to tell me?"

Her eyes are big, apologetic. "We just decided last night."

I plop down on the couch, my good mood gone.

"You just turned me into, like, a popped balloon," I say.

Noe scootches over, then snuggles against me. "I'm sorry, pumpkin. It's true love."

"Well, far be it from me to fuck with true love." I sigh. "I can't blame you. I sort of know what it feels like to want to wake up to the same boy every morning."

"Right?" She grins. "So you and Liam. Kinda serious, huh?"

A little shiver goes through me as I remember waking up this morning and seeing his face on the pillow next to mine, watching me sleep.

"I guess so. Yeah." Fred Astaire leaps onto my lap and I pat him absently. "So...I'm living alone?"

"I just assumed you and Benny would live together. Isn't he out of rehab soon?"

I nod, brightening. "Yeah, actually. That could be perfect." I shoot her a glare. "And by perfect I mean totally perfect for a second choice."

"Cupcake, nothing's gonna change."

"Except that you're moving to North Hollywood."

"Well," she concedes, "there is that."

"I demand we make Rice Krispy Treats right now."

She salutes me. "Yes, ma'am."

The next morning I head over to Crescent View during visiting hours. Benny's in the Zen garden, looking out over the ocean.

"Dude, this is the life," I say.

The Pacific is almost green today and the sun hitting it looks like sheets of gold have been placed on its surface. I totally saw a pair of Jimmy Choos at the Beverly Center this exact color.

Bens smiles up at me, his eyes clear. The color has returned to his cheeks, but he's still pretty thin and there are dark circles under his eyes.

"Yeah, it's not so bad," he says. "Ready to get outta here, though. I just finished group and this one guy keeps talking about his sex addiction. In graphic detail."

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