Chapter 5

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After the race we just relaxed. Then after a while we went back to the condos to get changed. The losers decided that the winners should have to go grocery shopping.

There was a Publix not that far from where we were staying. So Cayden and I took his truck. The whole ride was quiet, well except for the radio which he had turned almost all the way up.

I was so relieved when we parked. I jumped out as soon as he stopped. He easily caught up with me though. Why did he have to be so tall, with long legs? It just wasn’t fair.

We got a shopping cart, which he immediately latched onto. Saying, “Cart driver!” Like he won something. Great I am now shopping with a five year old.

We had a list from everybody, and a lot of money from everyone. So we started down the first isle and grabbed what we needed. Then when we got to the second isle and I turned around to put something in the cart, Cayden wasn’t there anymore.

I swear that guy is annoying. I can’t even turn around and he is gone. With the shopping cart too.

I turn back around and look down the last isle we were at. Sure enough there he is, facing the other way. I walk up to him, but the closer I get I hear arguing. As soon as I can see who he is arguing with, I let out a little laugh. In front of him is an old lady in one of those motorized wheel chairs.

You have got to be kidding me! Cayden was actually arguing with a little old lady, and that little old lady couldn’t even walk.

“Watch where you are going next time!” Cayden tells the poor old lady.

“Well if you would have been watching where you were going, then this never would have happened.” She sure was a feisty old lady.

“Well old bat, apparently you need better glasses. I was standing right here. You

ran over me with your scooter thing!” He pointed at her wheel chair.

“Well young boy, since you clearly aren’t a man, were in my way.” She lifted her chin up.

Way to go old lady!

“I am too a man, a handsome one as some people tell me.” He ran a hand through his hair, and then flipped it. He better not be flirting with an old woman.

“Psh, handsome!” She laughed. “If that’s what you call handsome now days then I feel sorry for young women.”

Cayden’s face went from shock to red and mad. I couldn’t help it anymore. I burst out laughing. They both looked over at me. It took me a while to stop laughing, but eventually I did, I think Cayden’s murder glare helped too.

I turned to the old lady. “What did he do?”

“Well he wouldn’t move out of my way, even when I said please.” I looked over at Cayden’s face. It was shocked.

“She is lying. She ran over my foot with that thing.” Cayden told me. The old lady gasped.

“Either way we have to finish getting everything.” I looked over at Cayden, I’m sure my amusement was easy to see. By the look he gave me I think I was right.

“Whatever.” He didn’t look happy.

The old woman smiled victoriously and kept on going down the isle. We turned around and watched her. When she got to the end of the isle, she turned around and gave Cayden the finger. That had me laughing all over again.

We finally finished shopping. With some small arguments between us. But we made it out alive, and with some money left over.

When we got back to the condo, everyone was in ours. We put the bags down and I ran into the living room.

“Cayden got told by an old lady!” I yelled out them. Everyone was laughing by the time I finished telling the story. Cayden of course was pouting in the corner.

I know it wasn't great sorry, Iam also sorry it took so long to get this up. Please vote, comment, and fan:)

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