Beach, Boys, Love, and Drama

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Last week of school before summer break has finally come. I got out of bed and put my makeup on and scrunched my hair. Then I walked over to my closet and got a yellow sundress out with some yellow flip-flops. I grabbed my phone and purse then went downstairs. I had to get something that I could eat in the car or else I would be late for school. So I grabbed a bagel off the kitchen counter and a bottle of water. I ran out to my car , started it then headed to school.

My phone started ringing. I reached for it and saw that it was a message from my best friend, Elizabeth or as I call her Liz.

Hey u almost here? got somethin 2 tell u!!!!!

As soon as I pulled up to the school I text her back.

Yea just pulled up....where r u at?


ur locker!!!hurry

It must be something really important that she had to tell me, she was usually more patient. I spotted her standing in front of my locker.

"Hey Liz!" I smiled at her when I reached her. She smiled back, but it wasn't a real one it looked forced. I knew something was wrong now.

"Hey Max" she looked worried." I got to talk to you really quick." She let me get my stuff out of my locker ,and then she grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to the restroom. We had a few minutes so if we hurried we could still get to class on time.

"Ok promise you won't go completely crazy." She checked to make sure no one was in here with us.

"I promise," I said starting to get really worried about what she was about to tell me. I hoped she wasn't going to say that we couldn't go to the beach. Liz, me, and some of the girls were all going to the beach for our two months of summer break. I was really looking forward to it, and if she said she couldn't go then none of us could. Her parents are the ones who own the condo.

"Ok," she sighed," I'm not really sure how to tell you this. I guess I'll start by asking you about that party that I went to last night?" I nodded I remembered that I couldn't go cause my family wanted to go out to eat that night."Well you did tell Scott that you wouldn't be there right?" Once again I nodded, she continued "Well I went upstairs to get something from the guest room that I was staying in." I knew that she would be staying over cause it was one of our friends, Sophie who had the party.

"Well I walked up there and got to the door, and thought that I heard noises. I opened the door and......" She looked away.

"And what Liz? You have to tell me"

"Scott was in there"

I looked at her confused "So, I don't get what you're saying Liz."

"He wasn't alone. He was on the floor with Hannah. They didn't notice me. As soon as they finished, which must have been when I heard the noises. She moved down and put him in her mouth. He had his hands in her hair and was moaning. He was so caught up that he didn't notice me. So I took the glass that I had in my hand and threw it right next to his head. They both jumped and looked at me. They stood up and got dressed really quickly. Scott begged me not to tell you, but I just walked over to him and punched him in the face. Then yelled at them to get the fuck out of my room." Liz finished. She had talked so fast I was afraid that I would miss something but I sure as heck didn't.

I could feel my face heating up, I was beyond pissed. I'm glad that Liz punched him. He should have known that she would tell me. I grabbed her hand and I pulled her to our first class. I hardly talked at all in class. My next classes went by the same way. As soon as the bell for lunch rang I went to my locker and shoved my books in, then went to the cafeteria. I got my food and sat down beside Liz. Our friends came just a second later and sat down with us. There was a seat beside me that was open.

Not to long into lunch and Scott came and sat by me. I was trying to keep my temper under control. I mean how dare he have the nerve to sit by me. Once he grabbed my hand I just lost it.

"Hey baby, how was your weekend?"

"Oh it was ok. I'm sure I didn't have as much fun as you did at the party. You got to have all the fun when I had to sit there and listen to my parents talk." I smiled sweetly at him.

"It was nothing special." He smiled back at me.

"Awww I feel sorry for Hannah then."I made a pouty face which I never did. At least not to guys.

"What do you mean baby?" He smiled nervously.

"Well I mean for you to get everything that you got from Hannah. I mean sex, a blow, and who knows what else. And you say it was nothing special poor girl. I guess no one can please you huh?"My pouty face was gone and so was my sweet smile. Sophie and Lily gasped after I said all of that. Then everyone of our faces had anger written all over it. I knew my girls would stick up for me.

"What are you talking about?" He looked like he wanted to run.

"Oh I think you know pretty well what I'm talking about."I stood up and slapped him as hard as I could." That was for lying about it, and this is for doing it."

I stood up on the table we were sitting at and spoke loud enough for all to hear."This is the biggest man whore of our school, Scott Davis. If anyone, girls or guys, wants some of this just line up. Oh and Hannah," I looked strait at her "I guess you didn't do good enough cause he said that you were nothing special. I'm so sorry hun. Now why don't we give Ridgeway High's biggest whore a round of applause. " I jumped off the table to laughter and clapping. My friends all had smirks on their faces and were looking at Scott. He was bright red by the time I got finished with my little speech.

"That was for you baby!" I gave him a kiss on the lips then walked off with my friends. When we got to our lockers we all burst out laughing. But then I remembered why that all happened. I stopped laughing and fell silent.

"Hey Max you okay?"Liz asked once they all noticed that I wasn't laughing anymore.

"Yea I'm okay. Thanks for telling me Liz. Maybe I should give up on finding a guy that I can trust, and that actually likes me." You see every boy that I have dated either cheated on me, or broke up not long after we started dating.

"Hey girl don't give up yet. Besides do you know how many hot guys we will see this summer. I mean its gonna be unbelievable. Liz, you, and me can all go boy hunting. And who knows, maybe one of Will's friends are hot and sweet." Sophie was really hoping to find a boy so I wasn't surprised when she said all this. Knowing her she has probably imagined that she would find her true love there.

Liz, Soph, and me were the three that didn't have a boyfriend. Well I used to, but now Lily is the only one that does. His name is Will, he's tall, strong, and really nice. We all practically think of him as a big brother. Well all of us except Lily of course. They have been dating since 8th grade, and it is now our Junior year.

Remember before how I said we were going to the beach for two months, and staying at Liz's parents condo? Well Will's family owns a condo at the same place. So the girls and I were going to stay at Liz's condo. Then Will was going to invite some of his buds to stay with him. We were all going to hang out, because it would be hard to keep Lily and Will away from each other for long. Plus some of the boys he that are coming with him are from different schools, so we don't know a couple of them.

That week seemed to fly past. Soon I was heading home to finish getting packed.

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