Don't Shut Me Out

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Summary: Connor comforts Jude when Jude's dad dies

Jude wasn't at school today. But that wasn't what worried Connor. Jude wasn't immune from getting sick occasionally. No, he was worried because Jude hadn't texted him to say he wouldn't be there. Wouldn't reply to any of his texts now. It was in between class and Connor had stepped outside to call Jude, he was worried sick. But he didn't answer. In fact, he ignored the call, shocking Connor. Jude had never ignored one of his calls before. That left one option short of actually leaving school. So he sprinted through the halls to Lena's office.

"Hey Connor, what can I do for you?" Monte called from the office over.

"Where's L—I mean Mrs. Adams-Foster?" he asked anxiously.

"She didn't come in today. Said something about a family emergency." Monte replied, and with that Connor was flying out of the office, out of the school, towards the Adams-Foster house as fast as his legs could carry him. He was there not twenty minutes later, only slightly out of breath, running totally on adrenaline and fear. The door swung open before he could knock, revealing a very tired looking Lena.

"I was expecting you Connor." She said.

"Wait but how—"

"Monte called, mentioned you stopping by and racing out of the office when she mentioned where I was." Lena answered.

"I'm sorry, it's just Jude wasn't answering his phone or anything and then Monte said 'family emergency' and I got really scared." Connor explained breathlessly. Lena sighed.

"Physically, Jude is fine but—" She didn't get to finish as Connor already pushed past her, bounding up the stairs. He slowed upon reaching the top, surveying the closed door to Jude and AJ's room. He walked over, gently knocking. After a moment, AJ opened the door, which did nothing to allay Connor's nerves.

"Jude told me not to let you in." AJ explained.

"But I—"

"Hold up let me finish. He told me not to let you in but considering I think he's being dumb, I'm gonna tell you to come on in." Connor followed AJ into the room, surveying the scene. Jude's eyes were red and bloodshot, his hair was messy, and he looked like he hadn't even gotten out of bed yet today. He was surrounded by tissues, and he sat on the bed, shoulders slumped and glaring at AJ. Connor had to resist the urge to giggle at the stare Jude was giving AJ. If looks could kill, this look would've killed AJ about ten times, Connor reasoned.

"Jude, what's going on?" Connor asked softly.

"Can't you take a hint? I want to be alone." Jude replied coldly.

"Jude—" Connor began to argue.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Jude shouted.

"We don't have to talk about it. Just please don't shut me out and push me away." Connor implored. Jude didn't say anything, so Connor began carefully walking towards the bed. Jude didn't look at him and didn't tell him to go away, so Connor gingerly sat down next to Jude. Jude stared at him for a moment before throwing his arms around Connor and bursting into tears.

"Shhh, Jude. I'm here you're okay." Connor cooed, gently rubbing Jude's back.

"It's my dad," Jude choked out. "He d—" Jude didn't get the rest of the word out, instead beginning to sob harder.

"Oh my god Jude, I'm so sorry." Connor said, pressing a kiss to Jude's forehead

"I'm sorry I didn't want to tell you I just thought I could deal with it on my own." Jude said a few moments later, after he had calmed down a bit.

"Jude you know you don't have to deal with anything by yourself. I'm here for you. Always."

"Thanks Connor. I love you." Jude mumbled.

"I love you too Jude."

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