The Hickey

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Slight AU: Jude and Connor have been dating for two years, without telling Jude's moms (though Connor's dad knows), though they haven't gone to great lengths to be secretive.

Summary: Jude and Connor get a little careless one afternoon during one of their makeout sessions, and one of them ends up with a mark that leads to an awkward conversation.

Jude and Connor had been dating for a while; they didn't tell Jude's family, well mostly because it never came up (it's not like they were actively trying to keep it secret; Connor's dad knew about them), but maybe also because it would be easier on them to hang around Jude's house if they didn't know. But now, Jude was really regretting that decision as the two of them sat around the table at dinner with his family.

A Few Hours Earlier

"Hey Connor, wanna come over?" Jude asked, meeting Connor at his locker like they usually did after classes were over. "There's going to be no one home for a couple hours," he added with a wink.

"As if I was going to say no to begin with, but now that you mention that we'll have some alone time, definitely," Connor replied, waggling his eyebrows at Jude. Jude rolled his eyes at his boyfriend; Connor never missed the chance to add a sexual meaning to something. Jude would've been annoyed except Connor always sounded so ridiculous whenever he tried and it was actually incredibly amusing to Jude, a few stray giggles always escaping his throat.

"Come on you dork, let's get going then," Jude commented, grabbing Connor's hand. It had almost been two years since the infamous "foot" incident as the two had taken to calling it. How they still hadn't been caught by Lena at school, or by Stef or some other member of the Adams-Foster family at home, or how Adam hadn't told Jude's moms, was beyond Jude, but he wasn't complaining at the moment. Things between them were good, and bringing his family into the equation might only serve to upset the balance of things.

The two walked back to Jude's house, Connor dragging him up to his room once they were inside the front door.

"Someone's a little eager," Jude smirked as Connor quickly shrugged off his backpack. Connor walked over, taking Jude's backpack off his shoulders for him, and immediately wrapping his arms around Jude when he was done, smashing their lips together. More and more, Connor was turning into the stereotypical horny male teenager, but Jude wasn't exactly complaining. They weren't doing anything that could get them in trouble, and it was honestly really hot to see Connor so needy.

"Hi babe," Connor whispered into Jude' ear, nipping at his earlobe gently and he slid his hands under Jude's shirt, catching the hem with his thumbs, stepping back slightly and pulling the fabric up and over Jude's head. When he was done, Jude did the same to Connor's shirt, tossing it to the side and taking a brief moment to admire his boyfriend's amazing body. And it was brief, because Connor was shortly reconnecting their lips, exploring Jude's mouth with his tongue.

Jude pulled away after a while, earning a whimper from Connor that quickly changed to a moan as Jude dove in, pressing his mouth to the sensitive spot on Connor's neck that he had now memorized. He didn't usually anything more than just kiss the spot, but today he decided to do something different. Lightly biting and nipping, Jude went to work, leaving a mark on Connor's neck as Connor's hands slid up and down his back and chest. After a few minutes, Jude stopped, gazing at his handiwork with satisfaction, before Connor brought his lips to Jude's collarbone, returning the favor.

An hour and a half later, when the two had finally tired of kissing (okay they hadn't really tired, they stopped because they were sure that someone would be coming home soon), they put their shirts back on, moving down to the living room to play video games. Neither Jude nor Connor gave any thought to the noticeable red spot growing just below Connor's ear.

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