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Summary: Jude is the jealous type; Connor is oblivious; and Sophia is hitting on Connor. What happens next?

Sometimes Jude honestly couldn't believe just how oblivious Connor was. Maybe it was because Connor was always too busy looking at him (not that Jude understood that; he wasn't much of anything special to see). Or maybe Connor just had a thick head. But either way, there was no doubting that Jude was the jealous type, which made Connor's inattentiveness to other people quite frustrating. Jude could never help himself, always having make sure to tell or show others around him that Connor was his, not anyone else's. Connor would giggle at him, and remind him that his eyes weren't anywhere else but on him, but it was only a small reassurance.

And so it happened, Jude and Connor were sitting across from each other at the kitchen table of the Adams-Foster house one afternoon, chatting away about something insignificant and having a snack before they took off for the skate park, when Sophia, Callie's half-sister wandered into the kitchen.

"Oh hey guys," she chirped. "Have you seen Callie?"

"Umm, I don't think she's got home from work yet," Jude told her. Sophia was nice enough the few times Jude had talked to her, but at this moment, Jude was feeling not feeling too fond of her, given the way her eyes seemed to be drawn to Connor.

"Well, do you mind if I wait here with you guys?" she asked, taking a seat next to Connor before getting an answer, scooting her chair a little closer than Jude was comfortable with. Connor, of course, didn't even notice, continuing to stuff his mouth full of chips. "So Jude, who's your friend?"

"Connor," Connor introduced himself, voice muffled by the food in mouth. Sophia let out a short, high-pitched and obviously fake giggle. Jude scowled; by introducing himself, Connor didn't give him the chance to introduce him as his boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you Connor! So tell me, how do you know Jude?" Sophia asked. Jude wasn't sure what she was trying to find out by asking that question, but her behavior so far indicated that it was going to be something Jude didn't want or need her to know.

"School. We met back in seventh grade," Connor replied, and Jude watched as a grin started to spread across Sophia's face. Sophia was only a year older than them; but considering she didn't know Connor or his age, Jude now guessed that's what she wanted to know. If he hadn't known that Connor wasn't actually paying attention to her, Jude would've probably jumped Sophia at this point. Connor, to her, was definitely fair game, and Jude was not okay with her thinking that, even for a second. Connor was his boyfriend.

"You look like you play sports," Sophia commented; so now she was complimenting Connor's body (which Jude would never hesitate to admit, wasspectacular). Jude pursed his lips, knowing what was coming next. Connor was a bit of a show-off; just mentioning his body would have him flexing for anyone who wanted to see, inviting everyone nearby to come feel just how firm his biceps were.

"Yeah, you wanna feel?" Connor grinned, flexing his arm and inviting Sophia to squeeze it. Jude glared at Connor, angry that he was unwittingly playing right into Sophia's hands. Jude was about to cut in and set Sophia straight when his phone rang, Callie's ringtone blaring out of the speakers. Oh no, this can't be good.

"Hey Callie, what's up?" Jude asked cautiously. Please don't tell me she's going to be late.

"Jude, something came up at work and I don't think I'm going to be home for another couple of hours," Callie told him. "Do you think that you could hang out with Sophia until I get there?"

"But Callie, Connor and I were going to the skate park today!" Jude whined.

"I have an idea, why don't you take Sophia with you?" Callie suggested.

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