Imagine for Maddison (Isaac/Scott)

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Imagine for bansheedreams ❤️
So my older brother (by 9 months) Scott was a werewolf and turns out so was my boyfriend Isaac, which I don't think Scott approves of us being together. All of my friends were supernatural apart from Stiles, me and him were the only humans. Well Allison was a human as well but she was a hunter and she didn't pull through when one of the Oni stabbed her. Since that day Scott hasn't been the same as he was when Allison was around, it's like he's vengeful which is odd seeing as he's all about saving people.

-- Morning Before School --

"Maddison hurry up, I'm leaving in 5 with or without you" Scott shouts from the kitchen

"What if I'm 6 minutes?" I say back, I can thank Stiles for my sarcasm.

"Seriously Mads not funny" he groans back.

"Fine I'm coming now" I shout back.

We leave the house and get into mums car. I refuse to go on Scott's bike and I'm not old enough to drive yet. Yes Scott's 16 and I'm 15. The car journey was silent the whole way but it wasn't an awkward silence or an eerie silence it was nice and peaceful.

As soon as we got to school I went to go meet Isaac and Scott went to go find Stiles and Lydia.

"Hey baby" Isaac says as he walks towards me then kisses my forehead.

"Hey Isaac I-" I was cut of by Isaac telling me to be quiet. "What the hell Isaac?" Then I realised he was listening to Scott and Stiles' conversation.

Scott's POV

"Dude I really don't see what your problem is with them being together," Stiles says.

I just... Don't want her to be in danger" Scott replied looking at his feet.

"Seriously this is Maddy we're talking about! You remember in 6th grade when those guys came over to us in the sandpit and kicked sand in our faces and she literally grabbed the one by the throat and dragged him to the slide. Do you also remember she smashed his head into it and nearly broke his nose which left him running off crying? No I don't think she can defend herself ." Stiles protested. "Listen Scott Isaac adores her and he won't even let Jackson or any other guy for that matter look at her before giving them grief.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts Scott just take in what I said okay?"

"I just want her safe, I don't care about anything else." Scott snapped then stormed off to class.

Maddison's POV

"What did they say?" I asked Isaac

"Jeez he really doesn't want us to be together" he says looking down at his hands. "Look Mads I love you so so much but maybe we should you know-"

"No Isaac please." I begged with tears in my eyes.

"It's for the best, I'm so sorry Mads." He kissed my forehead then left.

I was leant on his locker until Stiles comes over and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey what's up" he says soothingly

"He left me because of Scott." I sobbed into his shoulder, "Stiles I truly loved him, he was my first real love. In fact my first everything."

"It's okay Maddy, we'll go to talk to Scott later at free period ok? But first lets get through double Harris." He smiles sympathetically as he grabbed my hand and walked me to class.

-- In Class --

My only friend in class was stiles, but today was slightly different there were 3 new people in our class, Theo, Malia and Ethan. That meant a seating plan... Great.

"Sir can I sit by Maddison please, she's having a few problems and-"

"Nice try Stilinski but you and McCall together. No not a good pair at all." He said bluntly. "Anyway Ethan next to Danny please, Malia and Stiles back right tables and Maddiosn and Theo back right.

Stiles gave me 'the look' as I smiled at Theo. The double lesson went surprisingly fast and as soon as the bell went we were all out the door, well I got dragged out by Stiles, and he didn't let go until we reached Scott.

"Are you gonna tell him or am I?" Stiles said as though what he was talking about was obvious.

"Tell him what?" As Scott glared at me.

"Isaac broke it off because of you Scott," stiles said catching a few people's attention.

"Stiles please just-" I started

"Wait he did what?" Scott roared.

"Hey you didn't want us together in the first place" I snapped. "He broke it off because of what you said earlier Scott" I shouted then stormed off.

Scott ran after me. "Mads, wait, I'm sorry I can't choose who you're with and it was wrong of me to say I didn't want and approve of you guys being together and I actually miss seeing you and Isaac together

"Whatever" I say as I barge past him. I felt bad after I said that but I continued walking. When I looked back I saw Scott clenching his fists and walking back to the canteen.

I put my headphones in full blast and made my way to the library. I looked up from my phone and it was literally just me in the hallway which was writes but I just brushed it off. Suddenly I was pulled into the boys changing room.

"Yanno, you shouldn't have your headphones in that loud you can't hear what's going on."

I looked up to see the blue eyed, brown curly haired boy. "Isaac what the hell?" I shouted at him.

"Just hear me out okay?" He asked. I just nodded back. "Look I should have broke up with you like that and I've been thinking about it all day and I regret it. I heard what went on in the canteen and what Scott said when you stormed out and I was wondering if you would give me another chance? I was going to ask you earlier but I saw you with the new guy and I kinda got jealous so I couldn't come in and-"

"Isaac just shut up" I said before grabbing his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

After that moment Stiles walked in. "So am I telling Scott or are you guys? Actually don't answer that" he smirked then walked back out. Isaac grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer so out bodies were as close as they could be.

"I'm never letting you go again for anyone or anything." He said as he kissed me.

"God I love you miss McCall."

"I love you more Mr.Layhe." I smirked and kissed him again.

Sorry if that sucked but hope you like it
And sorry if there's spelling mistakes and stuff
-Naomi- <3

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