Weddings aren't my thing - Derek Hale

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You were walking through the halls which you thought you're dreaming , "what the hell am I doing here " you mumbled to yourself then suddenly you got called " (y/n) " it was Lydia standing there beautiful in a baby blue dress and white heels .

" I umm uhhhh " Lydia came closer

"Do not tell me you're going to crash Derek hales wedding " then Scott and stiles

" (y/n) " they both said at the same time . "So what brings you here on a occasion like this you're not going to speak to Derek about your undying love for him are you "

"No I am certainly not i am here to congratulate him and I am happy for him " everyone looking at you and you now stiles was giving you the sympathetic  face

"Come on you won't tell him " Lydia said then kira came along with Malia

"Oh hey (y/n) what you doing here ?" At that moment malia spilled somethings "so I thought you're not coming due to having feelings for Hale over there " pointing to Derek standing not far from where you are

"Look guys you think I am here to say the worst but I am here to see a beautiful and lovely wedding ceremony and why can't I be here " at that rate Liam popped up

"Is it because you're not invited and braeden specifically said if (y/n) walks through that door make sure she is stopped " silence wash over everyone and along came Derek

" (y/n) " a slight shock within his voice and you can tell he was nervous

"I am here to say I am happy for you and your about to be wife " tensions between you and Derek was seen across the hall

"Well I am glad you came so why don't you take a seat with the others " walking away

There was a slight delay with the bridal entrance and when braeden entered she saw you sitting there all happy and have a little gift in your lap and she turned to Lydia "Lydia what is she doing here " pointing to you sitting there

"Well ummmm she's here to congratulate the newly weds " trying to calm the bride down

"Well since she's already here and isn't doing anything she might as well be welcomed " Lydia huffed

"Well in that case shall we get on with the wedding now " Braeden snapped

As Braeden walks down the aisle everyone was taking pictures and awwing you thought this was a bad idea to come to the wedding ceremony braeden looks so beautiful and perfect for Derek . As the vowels begins you had this strange feeling inside that you're about to make a big mistake of your life . As the priest said "If you think this couple shouldn't be married today please speak up or forever hold your peace " at that moment Lydia looked at you with its not to late

You did the unthinkable you stood up "I (y/n) object to this wedding " everyone looked at you and Derek was looking at "I should of done this before you got married or really engaged I am truly sorry braeden but I have something to say " Braeden on the other just sat on the floor

"Well go ahead with your speech then " everyone looked at you once more

"Derek I am so sorry to ruin this beautiful ceremony but I have something I wish to say and that's I love you Derek Hale with everything I have and there's nothing that will change the way I feel about you , yes today was supposed to be your greatest day but here I am ruining it for you I am sorry but I got to say is I love you I truly do . If you love braeden as much as I love you then I understand that I won't stop you " now having tears in your eyes "well that's all I have to say carry on "the priest was utterly shocked

"Well miss braeden would you like to continue with the ceremony?"

" I do "

As the ceremony go ahead you knew that it was your last chance but it was okay you said what you have to say and that was it .

As it was the ceremony nearly ending and the rings was about to Derek stopped "Braeden everyone I am sorry but I've got a change of heart "

"You're kidding me Hale right "

"No I am truly not the woman I love is sitting right there and I really need to kiss her " Derek ran up to you and kissed you on the other hand braeden was crying and malia was consoling her

" I love you Derek hale "

" I love you (y/n) (l/n) "

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