Imagine for Mia (jackson)

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Imagine for supernaturalteenager  <3
The bell rang to sign the end of the day, you promised Jackson you would go watch him at practise but you wanted to go see him first to wish him luck seeing as it was the elimination day for who was out of the team and on the benches, but you knew Jackson was going to be in first line anyway. You knew he was going to be in the locker room so you waited just outside the door, that's when you saw Isaac.

"Is it safe to go in?" You asked giggling,

"yeah, Jackson in there with someone, I think it might be Danny But I did hear Jackson talking to someone but didn't see who."

"Haha okay thank you Isaac" he just smiled at you and walked off presumably going to try find Scott seeing as they've become quite close recently. Anyway you made your way into the locker room when you saw Jackson.... And Lydia. She was on her tiptoes and his lips were pressed against hers.

"Jackson what the hell...?"

"Mia, sh*t, it's not what it looks like" he said to you quickly pushing Lydia away and edging towards you. Lydia just left the locker room, her face filled with guilt.

"Mia just let me explain please."

"Fine explain how your lips magically appeared onto hers, or maybe you tripped and she happened to be there!"

"Actually she just came in here to wish me luck, you know me and Lydia are in the past I love you." He said with a lump in his throat.

"Do you really?" You say sarcastically.
Next thing you knew Jackson was hitting the lockers in rage.


"I WAS COMING TO WISH YOU LUCK GOD DAMN IT BUT YOU OBVIOUSLY DON'T NEED IT SEEING AS LYDIAS ALREADY GAVE YOU YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM." That made Jackson flip and pushed you against the locker an then he hit you.

"Mia, I'm so sorry"

"SAVE IT JACKSON" you snapped at him and ran out tears streaming down your face.

***after practise***

You were walking down the corridor not looking where you were going when you bumped into someone.... Jackson. "Mia please I'm sorry, I need you to listen"

"Please just leave me alone you're the last person I want to be talking to right now"

"Is that really what you want?"

"Yes Jackson. It is, now go." You said kinda regretting it but it was for his and your own good.

****next day****

*Beep beep beep*

Your alarm buzzed. Your head was pounding and your arm, face and shoulder was killing you. You went to the bathroom to shower and get your makeup on etc. When you looked in the mirror you had bruises...big bruises that literally couldn't go unnoticed so you tried covering the obvious ones with makeup but you could still see them slightly.

You were at school and you had history first. Great history, you were sat opposite the one and only Jackson Whittemore, but your best friend Allison was sat next to you and Scott was sat opposite her so that wasn't too bad. You noticed Jackson kept staring at you and Scott kept looking at your arm with a concerned expression on his face but you brushed it off. Jackson kept trying to talk to you and give you notes but you just screwed them up and put them in your bag. He tried to talk to you all day but you just ignored him or told him to go find Lydia, which was kinda harsh but he deserved it. After history ended you were pulled out by Scott and he dragged you into coaches office.

"What's the bruise from on your arm, an don't try lie cause I'll know. Was it Jackson. If it was Jackson I swear to god I'm gonna rip his throat out and beat his-" You were surprised at how protective he was being but you didn't want him to hurt Jackson, he didn't really deserve that much of a punishment.

"Scott... Seriously I fell down the stairs this morning when I was running out of the house to meet Stiles for a ride to school."

"Okay but if anything serious happens you need to tell me okay? Mia you're like my sister I don't want anything bad happening to you or anyone hurting you." You started to think your lying skills weren't as good as you thought when he mentioned someone hurting you but you played it cool.

"Scott I swear no-one hurt me, I fell okay" you smiled then he smiled back at you convinced by your story then you both went your separate ways after he was reassured no-one hurt you

Later that night you were in bed watching the conjuring. You were wrapped in your blankets and scared out of your mind, suddenly you heard a tap in your window, you froze, then you heard it again. You grabbed the bat Stiles had given you as a birthday present and crept towards the window. You flung your curtains back to reveal Jackson. You lifted your window to talk to him. I mean he made the effort to climb onto your roof and come talk you so the least you could do was listen.
"What are you doing here?" You asked plainly

"I wanted to talk.... Can I come in?"

"Fine, but you'll have to be quick my parents will be back any minute now."

"Okay so I wanted to say-" he stopped and looked at your arm. "Di-did I do that?" Tears forming in his eyes.
"Mia, I think it's best if we aren't together anymore, I-I don't want to hurt you like this again and if I do it again and it's worse and I seriously injure you I'll never forgive myself."

"Jackson it's fine... Well it's not but I thought about it today and's my fault I never heard you out properly and I assumed you kissed Lydia and I should have heard the whole story but you know Jackson it's not right to hit anyone especially the people you love." Tears were streaming down Jacksons face. The Jackson Whittemore, the guy who's meant to be arrogant not care for anyone but himself guy was crying over a girl?

"But-" you said with a slight grin "I may be able to forgive you slowly."

He looked up from his feet and he looked shocked but pulled you into a hug his lips kissing your forehead. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he said. You stayed hugging for a while but then you heard your parents come home so he had to go.

"I'm sorry Mia, I would never happen again, I never want to loose my angel cause of my stupid actions and I hope you forgive me soon" he said smiling sadly as he jumped from your roof and walked to his house. You watched him from your window as he walked down the road till he was out of sight. Secretly you hoped you forgave him soon as well.

Im sorry if that sucked but my first imagine, hope you like it and it's kinda along the lines of what you wanted. I thought it would be better to add in more characters cause it would be easier than working with three :3 and I had to bring Allison into this cause she is life <3
-Naomi- <3

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