Chapter 8: New Girl in town

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It's been 3 weeks since Benny's told the trio that he was coming back soon and Tom, Quinn and Katie has been planning a party for him for when he comes back.
Through form times Mr Fishers been getting ideas together for the party from different students and they're all excited to see the schools genius back in school.
"Right we need a theme for his welcome home party." Katie said opening her locker.
Tom leaned against the other lockers, his arms folded.
"We don't need a theme do we? I mean it's just a welcome home party."
"It's not even a welcome home party Benny's only staying a month until he goes back to America again." Quinn added.
Katie tilted her head back in frustration.
"It's still a welcome home party because he's coming home for a bit and Tom I think a theme will actually spice the party up a bit more." Katie said.
"How about we have it all themed on the solar system we'll have massive prop rockets and great big realistic planets hanging from the ceiling." Quinn said as his imagination started to run wild him.
"Yeah, and then we could have a massive picture of Einstein saying E=MC2." Tom added as a smile rose from his lips.
"Ok, ok, but just don't let your imagination run to wild we still have to tell all this to Mr Fisher." Katie sighed getting her books out and shutting her locker door.
"Yeah Katie's right and it's best to check with everyone else and see what they think as well." Quinn agreed.
"I can't wait to see Benny's face when he comes home to a party." Tom said excitedly.
"Yeah, he'll be really excited." Quinn said.
"Yeah, but don't go blabbing to him on the phone, I know what your like, just keep it a secret ok?" Katie said firmly.
"Yeah of course we'll keep it a secret." Tom said.
"Promise?" Katie asked.
"Cross our hearts and hope to die." Quinn said.
Katie smiled.
"Good, make sure you tell everyone else that as well." Katie said.
"We will we promise." Tom said.

Tom came home that Thursday to hear a piercing scream come from Clara's room.
"What the hell?" He muttered before dashing upstairs nearly tripping over his own feet and diving into Clara's room.
Clara screamed again running towards her older brother.
"What is it?" Tom asked.
"T-Tom there's a s-spider under my bed covers..." Clara stuttered absolutely traumatised.
"How big is it?" Tom asked Clara was was now doing runner out of her room.
"Massive!" She screamed from downstairs.
Ursula came up the stairs looking confused.
"What was all that screaming and shouting all about?"
"Clara saw a spider under her bed covers and apparently it's massive." Tom told his gran going into Clara's room.
"Clara grow up its probably more scared of you than you are of it." Tom shouted back shaking her bed covers.
Ursula sat on Clara's desk chair watching Tom violently shake the covers throw all the pillows around looking for the spider.
"Nothing here, probably just Clara's imagination." Tom smiled putting the bed back to normal again.
"Thomas?" Ursula said after a moment.
"Yeah?" Tom answers not looking up sorting the pillow cases out.
"Your father going to your headmaster, he didn't mean to do any harm." She told him sweetly resting her hands on her lap.
Tom straightened the bed covers before sitting in the edge of the bed. "I know gran."
"We know your a good boy." Ursula said smiling.
Tom looked up his brown eyes glistening from the sun rays coming from Clara's windows from behind him, he shifted awkwardly smiling a little.
Ursula's smile raised more and her face brightened up.
"I bet your excited for Benny coming back."
"I am, I can't wait, it's just going to be like old times, only he has to meet Clara." Tom told his gran.
"That won't be a problem as long as Clara isn't too nervous." Ursula said getting up and sitting beside Tom on the bed.
"I don't know gran, Clara was nervous enough meeting Katie and Quinn." Tom said his smile fading slightly, he was hoping not much pressure would be put on Clara when she meets Benny.
Ursula glanced up at her grandson
"I'm sure they'll get on just fine Thomas." She smiled kissing the top of his head and walking out of the room.

The next Friday morning of school everyone in the science class was discussing plans for Benny's party.
"I like Quinn and Tom's ideas." Gabbie said after the boys telling everyone their solar system idea.
"I agree." Max nodded.
"Alright class settle down." Mr fisher said walking into the room.
Everyone walked back to their seats staring at Mr Fisher.
"Now before I get this lesson started a new girl is coming into the class today and I hope you make her feel really welcome." Mr fisher said looking at the door.
Seconds later a girl with long brown wavy hair and piercing blue eyes came in the classroom, she fiddled with her fingers nervously looking around at everyone.
"This is Janice Evans." Mr Fisher introduced.
"No offence but why start a new school in the middle of exams, isn't that a bit...well strange?" Katie asked Tom and Quinn.
Quinn stared at the new girl intently his mouth slightly open.
"Now I would like someone to guide her round the school like a mentor?" Mr Fisher asked looking at the miserable students, that was except for Quinn. Of course.
Quinn shot his hand up.
"I'll do it sir."
"Thank you Quinn."
Quinn stood up immediately not taking his eyes off Janice.
"I'm Quinn." Quinn said with silly grin.
"Yeah, I gathered that." Janice laughed awkwardly.
"Would you like to do your guided tour now so that Janice doesn't have to miss out on any other lessons later?" Mr Fisher asked.
"Yeah, sure, I'd love to...I mean of course Janice would love to as well." Quinn said stupidly.
Katie rolled her eyes studying Quinn carefully.
"He fancies her."
Tom's widened his eyes.
"What?" He said surprisingly.
"Come on, it's not exactly brain surgery is it? Quinn likes her I can tell. Can't you?" Katie asked him.
"I'm not sure, Quinn's never been interested in girls before." Tom replied folding his arms.
"There's something about her I don't trust, I can't quite out my finger on it." Katie judged watching Quinn and Janice walk out of the room.

"So Janice..." Quinn started trying to start a conversation with her.
"You can call me Jan, or anything else I just don't like being called makes me sound old." Janice told Quinn adding a small smile.
Quinn looked into her ocean blue eyes nearly getting lost in them.
"Hello? Quinn?" Janice called waving her hand I front of his face.
"What?" Quinn asked looking away.
"Um...your supposed to be my guide and we've only made it near the English rooms." Janice chuckled tucking a part of her brown wavy hair behind her ear.
"Sorry, it's just, your eyes..they're" Quinn commented which made Janice extremely nervous and awkward.
"Um...thanks I get that a lot of people..." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "the thing is...I don't get much attention of people, I don't even have a boy-.." She stopped staring down at the floor.
"I get it, my friends used to laugh at all my jokes I used to play in the classrooms..I used to be the class clown, and now they don't even laugh at my jokes they just take things so seriously now after what we did a couple of weeks back." Quinn said guilty.
"I'm not being rude to ask but what do you do?" Janice asked.
"I lost my football and I asked Tom and Katie, my friends, to come and help me get it off the schools roof, by the way this was at the weekend and we climbed over the gate and managed to get the ball but someone saw us messing about there and they called the police thinking we were vandalising or something and we managed to make a run for it. But unfortunately when we came back at school we weren't so lucky and we were questioned by our headmaster. It was quite a messy situation but it's all sorted now." Quinn confessed.
"I get why your friends are now so serious, but I'm sure they're great to hang around with." Janice said.
"Yeah they are." Quinn told her smiling, he had to admit he loved hanging around with Tom and Katie.
"Hey, I caught my eye on a boy with dark hair and he had a quiff in...who was that?" Janice asked Quinn twirling her hair.
"Oh that's Tom, why?" Quinn asked.
Janice smirked.
"He was kind of cute."
"Don't even go there." Quinn said suddenly.
Janice rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah, he's probably got a girlfriend."
"Yeah Katie." Quinn told her.
"Wait the other friend you hang around with? So if your two friends are going out with each other isn't that a bit well awkward?" Janice asked placing her hand on her hip.
"Not really, when they're with me they act just normal and casual....most of the time...but they were acting really lovey dovey when I came into school one morning, and I was just like, no, no slush around me please." Quinn said.
Janice laughed at Quinn's humour.
"What about you then? Any girlfriend?" Janice asked.
Quinn shook his head.
"Why your so funny and goofy I like that in a boy." Janice chuckled beaming another smile.
Quinn perched his head up.
"You do?" He asked.
"Of course I do, I know it sounds creepy but I've only just met you and it seems like I've known you forever...there's something about you Quinn..." Janice said walking ahead.
Quinn smiled, this morning couldn't get any better for him, he thought Janice would think that he was a total weirdo but she could see the humorous side to him and the fact that she said that she felt like she's known him for ages sent sparks flying through his body. The weird thing was Quinn thought that he had seen her somewhere before...
But he knew one thing for sure....
He liked her a lot.

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