Chapter 73: Keep Quiet

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Katie ran up to Quinn the next day, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention, "hey, Quinn!"
He turned to her and smiled, "alright?"
"Why did you send me that weird text last night?" Katie asked him.
"Haven't you heard?" Quinn questioned.
Katie narrowed her eyes, "heard what?"
"One of the aliens mentioned something about wizards, it's been all over the news, apparently within human beings, there are human beings but they have magical powers. Katie blinked feeling physically sick, "it's probably just a misunderstanding."
"Misunderstanding? Nah, I don't think so, apparently they're getting special DNA equipment thingys to track every human wizard on earth, you never know there might be one in this school, maybe under our very noses." Quinn exclaimed chuckling going to his locker. Katie put a fake smile on, laughing awkwardly, "but it's not true, it can't be true, it's too...unreal."
"Why are you trying to defend this? Your not a wizard are you?" Quinn asked jokingly.
"Of course I'm not, what the hell gave you that idea? I need to um, go to the library, and um read some, um sci-fi books." Katie said walking back a little. "But you hate sci-fi books!" Quinn called out.
"What? Don't be silly I love them." Katie lied as she ran off to find Tom.
Quinn stared ahead suspiciously where Katie had just ran from, he knew for a fact she hated sci-fi books, something wasn't right.

As Katie saw Tom walk in the entrance of the school she sighed and ran up to him, "Tom!"
Tom looked up from his phone, "hey, calm down, what's wrong?"
"It's those alien things, they mentioned wizards to the scientists and now scientists have found out about wizards, they've got all this DNA equipment, and they are going to use it to find every human wizard, they'll find you." Katie explained. Tom grabbed her arm shushing her to keep her voice down, he led her to a store cupboard full of files and switched the light on shutting the door, it was only big enough to fit two people in but that was fine for Tom and Katie.
"You need to keep quiet." Tom hushed. Katie pulled him a look, "oh yeah, what if someone was standing outside this door right now?"
"They wouldn't be." Tom scoffed. Katie raised her eyebrow, "wanna bet?"
Tom sighed and opened the door to surprisingly see a year 8 standing there pushing her glasses up to the bridge of her nose.
"Go away!" Tom yelled to the year 8 making her run away in fright. Tom slammed the door again and faced a slightly displeased Katie. "Well that was rude." Katie snapped.
"I don't care." Tom replied rubbing his temples.
Katie sighed, "just because your a wizard doesn't mean you can be rude to other people, you know that right?"
Tom stared at her, "I wasn't being rude."
"Yes you were, don't deny it." Katie snapped.
"Can we just stick to the subject please?" Tom asked.
"I'm just worried about you, and you know, worry is what got you to wiping my memory." Katie pointed out. Tom's face softens as he holds her arm reassuringly, "I'll be fine, I promise."
Katie smiled up at him, "you can't promise that."
"Yes I can, and I just did." Tom said giving her a cheeky grin.
"We better get out of here." Katie said looking round the small store room.
"Um, yeah." Tom replied with a little chuckle. As they came out they saw Quinn with folded arms, he was mostly glaring at Katie who was looking guilty. "Had a nice time in the library?!" He questioned angrily.
Katie stared down at the floor and swallowed hard, "I lied."
"Yeah, I guessed that." Quinn snapped.
"Sorry." Katie said quietly.
Quinn shifted his eyes over to Tom, "I heard everything, am I living in a bloody cave?! You two are my best friends and your keeping secrets from me? What kind of world am I living in?!"
"We weren't talking about anything." Katie denied.
"Oh, for the love of god don't try that shit on me Katie!" Quinn yelled.
"Quinn! Don't shout at her like that!" Tom shouted.
"Fine! But I want to know what your hiding," Quinn said his eyes suddenly widening, "your a wizard aren't you?!"
Katie looked up panicky to Tom as Tom just tried to keep a straight face to Quinn.
"I WANT THE TRUTH! ARE YOU?" Quinn questioned. Tears filled up in Katie's eyes as Tom started breathing in and out heavily.
"Are you?! Are you a wizard?! ARE YOU?!" Quinn yelled at the top of his lungs.
"YES!" Tom shouted back. Quinn was taken aback and Katie stood there staring down at the floor.
Quinn walked up to Katie his face full of anger, "thanks for telling me, best friend."
He shook his head at her and stormed off down the corridors leaving Katie with Tom, tears falling on her cheeks, "he hates me."
Tom pulled her into a hug, "he didn't mean anything, he's just in shock. Don't cry, he'll drop it in a couple of days."
Katie nodded slowly sniffing up. She pulled out of the hug and Tom wiped the tears from her face with his thumb, "come on, where's that smile gone?"
He suddenly started tickling her in the belly making her giggle uncontrollably, "Tom!"
He ignored her and kept on tickling her near the neck. "Tom!" She squealed. Tom stopped tickling her and smiled as he saw her grinning madly after having her mini giggle fit. "Well, at least I brought that smile back." Tom said.
Katie smiled, "I'm sure Quinn will get over it."
The bell suddenly rang for first period. Katie sighed, "an hour and a half of English, great."
"I'm sure it will be fine, come on." Tom said as he took her by the hand and led her to English.

As Katie walked along the streets she saw Quinn walking fast pace not long in front of her, he hadn't talked to Tom or Katie for the rest of the day but Katie didn't want to fall out with him again.
"Quinn! Quinn wait!" She yelled running towards him. Quinn kept walking as Katie reached up to him, "Quinn slow down."
Quinn walked even faster trying to get away from her. Katie grabbed his arm, "Quinn just stop, please."
Quinn finally slowed his pace and froze, "what do you want?"
"I wanted to say...sorry, for keeping Tom's secret, secret from you." Katie apologised.
"How long did you know for?" Quinn questioned.
"It's complicated." Katie mumbled.
"Just tell me!" Quinn ordered.
"Fine! Long story short I found out a couple of months ago! I couldn't stand the thought of losing Tom to the aliens so I asked him to perform a spell to wipe my memory. I found out again yesterday morning because Tom brought my memory back. He told me I couldn't tell anyone, not even you. I'm so sorry Quinn, I guess you won't want me round anymore, I'll see you tomorrow." Katie explained as she turned on her heel and started walking away.
The realisation hit Quinn like a tonne of bricks and he ran forward to Katie touching her arm with his large hand, "Katie,  I'm not angry with you, well I am, but now you've told me even though it didn't make any sense whatsoever, I know that you were just keeping a secret, I would do the same."
Katie smiled warmly, "you would?"
"Course I would." Quinn said as he took her into a hug, after a few seconds he pulled away and smirked at her.
"Oh god, why have you got that stupid look on your face?" Katie asked.
"How about we have that Mario Kart rematch now?" Quinn offered.
"I would like that Mr Christopher." Katie said smirking at him back.
"Last one to my house gets Wario!" Quinn yelled as he started running down the street.
"I'm so going to beat you!" Katie screamed running at nearly the same pace has him.
"COME ON!" Quinn yelled as he turned the corner, Katie racing after him.

"I'm sorry Thomas, it's the only way." Ursula said with tears in her eyes. Tom and Clara were sat in the living room, their heads hanging low of what their dad and gran had just told them.
"But no matter where we go the nekross will always find out where we are." Clara said.
"They won't Clara, they're locked up in America they'll never find us again, not if I cast my spell again and the shield will be stronger than before." Ursula explained.
"But what about exams? What about...Quinn and Katie?" Tom asked tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry Tom, your going to have to tell Quinn and Katie the news, I know it will be hard." Michael said sympathetically.
Tom looked sadly up at his dad and gran, after telling his dad and gran about the humans wanting to find the wizards, his dad and gran decided they would move away, possibly Australia, on the other side of the world.
Tom would have to break the news to Benny, he would not be happy and would be really upset.
Tom would have to tell Quinn, he didn't know what his reaction might be.
And worst of all he would have to tell Katie...he was dreading it. He only knew her one reaction would be.


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