Chapter 1: Nasty Surprises

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Chronicles of Carnezia: Book 1

Dragons of Dracona

Chapter 1: Nasty Surprises

            Sitting up, yawning and stretching my arms above my head, I found myself having been awoken by the pounding downpour outside. The sheets of rain colliding with my window like the constant sounding of gun fire on a battle field (although an old age battle in my mind). Swinging my legs over the edge of my double bed, I heaved my clicking body off the slightly squeaky mattress and headed for a wake-up shower.

            After getting dressed, I looked into my head-height mirror and sorted my long dark blonde hair out. It was unusually thick for its colour and was very prone to knotting, especially since I always rolled around in my sleep. Hair sorted, I made my way downstairs; fortunately, my older brother had stayed round his girlfriend’s place (most likely) after going out last night. He was the type of young adult (being twenty-three) who would always find some excuse to go out, and stay out, every weekend come Friday night. I, on the other hand, was more inclined to sit around and either study or listen to music (and sometimes write it).

            I wasn’t much good at finishing songs but whenever I got a good line in my head I would scribble it down on the nearest paper at hand. It was only the lyrics I wrote though. Anyway, the reason I was glad that my brother was not around this Saturday morning is that I was never able to cope with him hungover.

            Down in the kitchen, mum was cooking up a fried breakfast. She would always cook just enough for each of us. I picked up a plate off the table and held it steady for her to slip on two eggs, a rasher of bacon, a pair of pork sausages and a pile of mushrooms. I had never liked the rest which my mum and brother did.

            We never really spoke at the table unless someone had some news (good or bad), meaning I was surprised when my mother asked me how I was feeling.

            Swallowing, I answered. ‘Alright, I suppose. Am I meant to be feeling weird or something?’ I asked back. She just shook her head and we carried on eating. I couldn’t have avoided her question in any way as I was the only other person at the table.

            Even though it was raining, I went outside and took a stroll among the small trinket shops that occupied the streets that were only about a five minute walk from my own front door. They were the love of my life, trinkets; especially a certain type.

            Entering the door, the tinkling of the wind chime sounded as the top corner of the door touched it; I had a small initial glance around before slowly making my way among the shelves of the old cabinets. The owners of this shop, a cute elderly couple (probably in their late sixties) knew me very well since I would always come in here at least one day a week and were very sweet and patient. And they knew exactly (more or less) what I was after.

            The gentleman, Mr. Harrison, trundled over from behind the counter and smiled warmingly at me. ‘Good morning, my dear. Can I help you?’

            My eyes were still wandering around the shop but neither of them ever minded it. ‘I think I’d just like to look around myself today but thank you,’ I added kindly on the end and let him go on his way to cleaning what appeared to be a brass pot sat on the desk.

            Just as I had said, I set about scanning around the average sized shop at any little statues that caught my eye. There were some peculiar ones and others that I didn’t like the look of at all but then I came across something that I fell in love with just with one look, it was situated on one of the cabinets near the back corner of the shop near the counter.

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