Theme 3: Post-Suicide

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Sock blinked his eyes open, his head feeling cloudy. He didn't feel right.... Why was that...? He looked around himself and saw nothing but black.

'Where am I?' He thought confused.

He was floating in a vast, black nothingness, with no one around. What was going on?

"Sock." A voice he knew very well said from behind him.

He smiled and turned around, only to freeze, and have his smile melt away into a look of disbelief and confusion.

"Jonathan...?!" He whispered, green orbs widening.

There floating before him was his boyfriend Jonathan Combs, but something was very wrong. There was a golden halo above his head and pure white wings sprouting from his back. He was an angel.

"You finally stopped sucking at your job." Jonathan said with a bittersweet smile.

Sock was confused for a moment before remembering a conversation they once had.


"Why are you still here?" Jonathan ask, annoyed.

"I think the more appropriate question is why are you still here." Sock said with a cheesy grin.

"Uh, because you suck at your job?" Jonathan retorted.

"I su- I-I," Sock stuttered, shocked, "I suck at my job? I... I suck at my job? Jonathan... d-do you really think I suck at my job?"


Sock's eyes widened more. He didn't mean....

"Jonathan," Sock started hesitantly, "Did you really finally kill yourself...?"

The teens bittersweet smile only grew as he nodded.

"But why," Sock bit his lip, "Why do you have a halo and wings...? Why are you an angel...?"

Jonathan looked at his white wings and shrugged.

"Dunno," he said, shaking his head, "I woke up after, well, ya know, and I had 'em."

"But you can't be an angel!!" Sock exclaimed.

"Why not?" Jonathan asked, though based off the look in his eyes, he already knew the answer.

Tears began to form in Sock's eyes for the first time in what seemed like forever as he said, "Because that means you'll leave me...!"

A light began to glow behind Jonathan, growing brighter by the second, and he smiled sadly.

"Goodbye Sock.... I love you...." He said, floating back into the light.


"NO!!!" Sock yelled, bolting upright in bed.

He felt someone jump beside him and sit up right after him.

"Sock...?!" Came the tired voice of the boy he feared wasn't there.

Sock felt the tears fall from his eyes and he pounced on Jonathan, wrapping his arms around his neck and burying his face in his neck.

"Whoa," Jonathan said, catching the demon, "Ok, ok, you're alright."

He looked at the clock in his bedside table and saw it was three in the morning.

"Hey, it was just a nightmare, whatever it was you saw." He said, rubbing Sock's back.

Sock sniffled and nuzzled into his boyfriend's neck, tightening his hold on him.

"Promise me you won't become an angel...?" Sock whispered into Jonathan's chest.

"What?" Jonathan asked, confused.

"Just... promise me...." He said.

Jonathan wasn't sure what was going on but he nodded anyway.

"Yeah," he said, kissing Sock's forehead, "I promise."

Sock nodded and cuddled Jonathan more. Jonathan laid them down and placed a gentle kiss to Sock's lips before they both fell asleep again on the now calm, Wednesday morning in early October.

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