Chapter 8

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"Niall!!!" Yells Kendra. I look up "youuuu"she says. She comes towards the bed. "Woah woah woah if we're going to fight let me put a shirt on"I say. I grab my grey sweatshirt. She grabs my hair and drags me across the floor. I kick around the floor. She throws me down the stairs. The boys see and laugh. I get up "this isn't funny Kendra is car-" I get head-butted in the stomach. "Aw fuck no bitch"I yell I kick her off me. Now she is on floor. Run and land on top of her. She is struggling out if my grip. She flips me over. Louis pulls me so when Kendra throws herself at me she lands in the floor. "Thanks Lou in owe you one"I say getting up. I run out the door Kendra catches up and lands on top of me. "Fuck!" I say. She flips me over and start to scratch my face. Damn she got some long .nails.

I kicked her in the stomach and feel my face full of little scratch marks and in bleeding. She looks at me gets up pushes me. I push back. She steps back and charges I dodge it like a boss. She falls with a loud thump. She gets and pushes me straight into a vase. The glass cut my arm. Right where Niall accidentally did it. Servants and staff from the hotel come out and get the crazy bitch off me.

I get up and sit down the staff tells me to tell them what happened. I tell them and they call the cops. The cops and they take Kendra in for question. They tell me to go home. I am perfectly fine with that because tv would be so awkward between me and Niall. I walk home.

It's about 11pm and in walking the streets of London. All alone where I can get rape or jumped but I don't care. I'd rather die. I couldn't believe I was thinking suicidal. The. I get a text


Jenny: What are you talking about?! She attacked me and you hooked up with me?

Niall: just forget it. Never talk to me or the boys I am gonna get security to like keep us away from you!!!!


I can't BELIVE this is happening to me!. I go home and sit one the couch then I just couldn't no more. I burst into tears I have none now. I lost my mother a year ago and my dad. I lost my boyfriend. I have no friends. I have none. I get and go to the bathroom I find a razor blade. I have been cutting for about a 1 month since me and Niall broke. But now I feel like I am taking under consideration to do it again. I take the blade and gently but enough force to cut my wrist. I just felt like all the pressure I've been put through just released out of me.

Blocked Number: Meet Me Downstairs

I decided to go downstairs because even if it was kidnapper or rapist. Anything I wouldn't care they would still kill me. I go down stairs I step outside. A hand pulls me to the back. "Who are you?" I say "it's me Niall" he says. Even in the dark I can see his bright blue eyes. "What are you doing here I thought you hated me now?"I say looking away "that wasn't me it was...Kendra" she and me got into fight when you left and she took my phone and did that". He says. He grabs my wrist. "Ow!" I say jerking my hand away. He looks at me in concern. I step back covering my wrist I didn't want Niall to see my cuts. "Why did that hurt?" He says. I stay silent not knowing what to say. He grabs my wrist."NO!" I yell. He tackles me to the ground. "Niall no" I yell.

He picks me up and takes me into the light in the house. I kick around. "Niall please no" I cry. He doesn't stop he sits me I. The couch. He looks at me I'm crying. "Let me see your wrist" he says "no" I say "Jenny please I am worried" he says. "I can't Niall". He takes my arm and lifts up my sleeve. He stares at the cut one of then was bleeding. He lets go of my arm. And stand up and runs his hands through his hair. I cry.

He sits back down"how long have you been harming yourself" he says. i stay silent. "Jenny answer me"he says with a tear rolling down his check "a month" I say "did I do this to you did I make you cut is this my flaut" he tries to take clearly expect he can't he is crying a lot. I nod my head. "Jenny I swear I didn't mean to hurt you it was just in the pressure of the moment I am so sorry" he says.

"Niall?" I say "yes"he says looking at me "please don't leave tonight......."I say "buy I can't I have a in-"I cut him off "I need you"i said already staring to cry I was to fragile right now I cried about any thing. He sighs "I'll stay" he says "yeah"I saw weakly. I look down and trace my fingers along my wrist. I hurt really bad. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. Niall calls my name I turn around "don't" he says "I wasn't going to". I walk to the bathroom and wash my cuts

I stop the water. Then my phone gets a tweet.

@jenny back off my Niall . He doesn't like you why don't you just kill yourself ok just so it now. You'd think @niallofficial would care but he won't because he will find another girl 5 million times better than you

@jenny bitch

@jenny kill yourself this world needs one less ugly girl

@jenny why are you even still alive shouldn't you be dead. Come on boys why her age is ugly as f***

And a lot more hurtful things. Each and everyone of those things just make me want to cut more and more and more. I stare at the razor that used today. I pick it up and then Niall bursts threw the door. "Jenny you promised" he said "I know Niall but i-I-just can't take it know more have you seen my twitter its full of hate everyone hates me"I say crying into my knees "Paul was right if I dated you, you would get hate this is all my fault" "Niall no its not don't feel guilty of this-" but jenny it's my fall you just told I made you cut and because I am dating you the fans are hating on you" he says.

He goes to the bedroom and lays there. I stay in the living room. And stare at the ceiling. Then I get a text

Niall: Come Up Here lets Cuddle

Jenny: buts its so far Niall and I'm so weak right now my wrist hurt so bad

Niall: Fine

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn is Niall. "What are doing here"I say "I came to get you"he says "what do you-OMG" I change subject because Niall is carrying me bridal style. "Niall what are you doing"I say "you said you were weak so I came to pick you up you need some cuddling". I stay silent I am so shocked on how nice he is being to me. We get to the bed he sits me down and then he goes to the other side and takes off shirt. He looks at me "can I take off my shirt?" He says "yeah" I say. Then he completely takes it off and gets in the bed.

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