Chapter 3

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"Wake up honey"I groan"some kid name Niall is here to pick you up"she said "what?....what is Niall doing here?"I say "i don't know but your store is freaking out I packed all your stuff already it's downstairs all you got to do is get dressed" "thanks?" I say and get up and do my daily morning routine. I go downstairs and open the door and I see Niall being chased by a girl and the other boys trying to yank the girl off him. I go to where they all trying to pry my sister off of Niall "Natalie!" I yell. She looks up"what?" "You know what get off him" "but he needs to marry me!" She clings on to him like a sloth. I stretch because its about to get dirty.

I grab Nat by the stomach and try my best to get her off him. "Noooo!" She yelled "help me" said Niall. I finally get her off and she attacks me and we are rolling on the floor. dear lord she puts up a fight 'get off me" i yell and push her off. I get and brush the grass of my pants. She runs inside the house like a little demon child. "What the hell was that" asked Louis "I don't know so why are you here?" " um well Niall didn't want to leave his best friend here so he wants to take you to Japan with us" "umm I guess since my mom packed my stuff already I can go so yeah ill come" I say "yeah" yells Niall and gives me a big bear huge I hug him back. We get all my stuff into the car and we drive off Niall staying close to me. Harry on my left and Niall on my right.

Niall turned to me and said "so just Giving you a heads up I eat alot I will eat all of your food,Louis swears alot, Zayn will take your mirror, Harry likes to walk around naked, and Liam is very and I mean very afraid of spoons likes to watch toy story,Those are your warnings. "I can live with that I mean I eat alot I swear at times, I live you story, I like looking in the mirror maybe half as much as Zayn does and I agree I wish we could all be naked" I smile. I can feel the positive energy I just released out of my body I feel everyone smiling. Louis out of nowhere yells "Shit". "What's wrong Lou" said Liam "we are going to run late now we are going have to take a jet!".Groans fill the room ."what is wrong with a jet"I say "well we like to be treated like normal people and if we take a jet we feel we are not normal"says Liam "LETS TAKE THE HELICOPTER!" Yelled Louis "yes Louis cause that is normal" I say kinda hoping they wouldn't notice the panic in my voice. I just wanted to say I am terrified of heights but if I get into a plane I don't need to look outside but a helicopter I would freak out in."yeah your right Jenny we will just take a jet,our private jet"said harry.

We get in to the airport thingy but its not public is more private and it's just famous people and me. "Omfg"is that-"Niall interrupts me"if your gonna do that you should just stay behind" he says "fine I'll calm down" we keep walking down this hallway finally we are going to broad the plane. We all sit down and we buckle our seat belts. Niall takes a seat next to me and gets comfy. "Have you ever been in a plane" he asks "well once but I was really small I don't really remember the experience" I say lying I'be never been in a plane. "We'll-" Niall is interrupted by the captain "this is your captain talking we are about to take off please buckle your seat belts and don't not stand until you hear ding". the planes' engine starts up and we start moving. I try to stay calm because I don't wanna let Niall know I am afraid of heights. We get off the ground and its not that bad but my ears keeping popping.

When we hear the ding Louis gets up and goes to the bathroom, Zayn goes to sleep but before he does that he checks himself in the mirror then goes to sleep,harry is on watching plane tv,and Liam is also watching tv, and Niall is just like sitting there he is not doing anything. "So Jenny tell me about yourself" he says turning to me. I turn to him and say "well my favorite color is blue,I am terrified of heights, I am 18, my birthday is March 2, and sometimes I think my sister is a demon". I say "wait your afraid of heights?" He says "yeah" I say slowly "that's good" "why"I say "because when we are going I high places I can hold your hand" he says smirking . I stood there just staring at him "are you ok" he says "yeah just had a panic attack a small one" I say. I turn to face the tv in front of me then I feel Niall's hand slip into mine and he squeezes it I squeeze back.

The. I get a text how am I getting texts from the sky?. It's from Niall I slide to unlock my phone and I look at the text says

Niall:I was wondering if you would like to go out with the cutest member of one direction?

Jenny:Who Harry oh yeah sure ;)

Niall: no seriously will you go out with me

Jenny: Yes my little leprechaun

I look at him and he looks at me. He smiles and puts his arm around me. That whole trip he kept me tight. When we landed me all got up and we stretch. We getting off the plane knowing one direction was going to get mobbed by fans Paul sent me to stand next to a another body guard. He was tall and very strong looking he was bald. We started walking out of the plane millions of fans screaming. The body guard led me behind him.we finally got to the limo I was set in a limo with Harry. I sat down and took a deep breath. "How do you people survive that everyday" I say "you get used to it I one day got like attacked by alot of fans but I survived"

I laugh. So the whole trip is awkward and we both don't talk we get to the hotel on we get off we get inside safe and sound. They make me share a room with Niall which I am fine with. "Can I trust you to not to hook up" says Paul "trust me Paul" says Niall and pushes Paul out the door. He locks it "Jenny I missed you they separated me from you did they hurt, did harry touch you" he said "Niall relax I'm fine and me and harry barely talked any ways" I say.i sit on the couch and and then Niall plops done next to me. He moves soooo much. He ends up with his head on my lap and his legs in two directions.i look down he is staring at me "why are you staring at me?" I asked "because your just to pretty and I don't wanna miss a second of it" "awwww" I say "niall?" I say "yes princess" he says " does Paul even know we are going out" he gets up and sighs "no" "why don't you just tell him" I say . He doesn't answer he gets up and goes to his room. I was going to go after him but I decided to let him have time alone. I wonder why he didn't answer me.

"Knock knock" someone knocks on the door. I get up and unlock the door it's Paul "can I speak to Niall?" "Uh yeah let me get him". I go to his room and open the door "Niall?" I say "Paul is here he says he needs you" "ok". He gets up and walks out the door and to Paul.

Niall POV

"Niall remember how you wanted a girlfriend?" Says Paul "yes" I say "well here she is" and he brings out a girl she is the same height as me she has brown eyes,with blondish-brownish hair. "Kendra meet Niall, Niall meet Kendra your new girlfriend" says Paul "hi Kendra" I say. She waves. "Ok there you go Niall you have a girlfriend now" "but I don't want her I want Jenny" I say "I know niall"said Paul "you already knew I was dating her?" Said Paul "yes I could tell by the I could tell by the way

You to acted around each other"says Paul "then why did you get me a girlfriend if already have on?"I said "because of fame and stuff girls all around the world would hate on Jenny and on you but if you date Kendra they will like her more than Jenny it's just logic to keep Jenny safe"he says 'fine "I says

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