Chapter Two

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"Welcome back Arabella." Mrs.Opla said as she diverted her eyes away from me.

A couple of more whispers linger in the air just before an interruption.

A boy.

He walks into the class wearing an all black shirt with tight black jeans and brown curls hanging down to his shoulders.

Ive never seen him before, He must be new.

The boy holds only a notebook. As I look closely, I can't help but notice the way his fingers have multiple rings on them. It's not everyday I see someone with his kind of style walk around.

Taking a seat, he seems to now hold everyone's attention in the class. Girls start giggling and whispering over him and I dont exactly know why but I'm thankful no one pays attention to me.

"Sir, your name?" Mrs. Opla calls out to him. The boy rest his head on his hand as his elbow lays onto the desk.

"Harry." He sighs. Im a little stunned by his english accent and I know others are too because more whispering starts.


Students start pouring out of their 8th period into the main hallway as I open my locker. I've never been really good at opening these things. They always are difficult to turn, difficult for me at least.

The announcements go off stating something about a pep rally, but I'm too busy focusing on something in the corner of my eye.

A dark blur stands between the crowd of students. I try to clearly focus on the figure but as soon as I do, more students block my view.

Must have been the light or something.

Grabbing my textbooks, I stuff them into my bag and accidentally slam my locker shut, but I'm startled when I find a boy leaning against the chipped lockers.

"Sorry about that, didnt mean to scare you." He mumbles, scratching the back of his neck. I shuffle my feet and hold my text books closer to my chest.

Its the new boy. Harry, I think it is.

"Um, it's okay." The boy looks down at me and I swear for a second his bold eyes are staring at me deeper than what it appears. "I wanted to ask if you knew when the pep rally was," He tilts his head a little as he speaks, "So I know not to come on that day." I chuckle at his words, the pep rally's have never really been my thing either. "Sorry no, I wasnt listening to the announcements." His lips slightly move and he nods.

I glance behind me and watch as the last couple of people leave the building, with just me and the new boy standing alone.

When I turn back around, it's just me. Like the boy disappeared into thin air.

That boy has such a strange energy.

I start to make my way down the empty hallway, leaving my footsteps and the jingle of my keys the only sound remotely audible.

Only about a dozen people are left in the parking lot, chatting about. But I'm not one of them.

After throwing my bag into the passenger seat, I hop in and start to back out.

The relief I get just by being able to finally get the hell out of that school is unexplainable. My anxiety has been high all day from the constant stares and whispers. It's so much sometimes, I just wish I could go back in time and change everything, but life doesn't work that way unfortunately.

A loud knock on my window brings me out of my thoughts.

I look through and instantly my breath hitches and I can feel my blood run cold.

Slowly running down the window, irritation, misery and anxiety flow through me once again.

"Hey Arabella, long time no see."

A smirk on his lips and a glistening in his eyes.

"What do you want?" My voice comes out as mere as a whisper.

"I cant come say hello to an old friend? I heard you came back today," He stops mid sentence, grinning and motioning his hands toward me "And I had to see for myself."

"We're not friends, Raven, dont try this shit with me." I try to shift my car into drive but he grabs my hands. His grip becomes so tight around my wrist I can feel the blood leaving my finger tips, turning purple.

"Still holding that grudge? Come on Ara-" Shaking my head, I step on the gas and drive off leaving him with the same smirk I've seen one too many times.

I turn out of the parking lot trying to get my breathing back to normal. My chest begins to tighten but I honestly rather not cry right now, I'm so tired of it.

A long vacant road surrounded by nothing but endless fields of grass comes into my view, Making memories of last year swarm through my thoughts. Memories I've tried hard to push away but they always seem to come back.

But I do know that I'm on the road to recovery.

I glance up as the sky begins to glow, blending into orange and pink pastel colors smeared above. It's supposed to rain tonight, I hope it doesn't ruin the canvas of the sky.

Continuing down the depressing road, I begin to notice a figure further down walking in the dirt.

Its so strange to see someone walking here alone, this road doesn't end for a couple more miles.

I start to back my foot off the gas petal, easing my car to a somewhat stride.

My car slowly pulls up next to the stranger and I furrow my brows as to what looks like a dark liquid that drips off the persons finger tips.

The heartbeat in my chest quickens and I quickly realize this might have been a bad decision to help this person. But I ignore my eager conscious and flip the switch on my door to roll down the passenger seat window.

As my view becomes clear without the tinted window, my mind starts to swirl with several questions.


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