Chapter Seven

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      "Arabella." My eyes widened at the familar raspy voice as their hand left my mouth and dropped down from my waist slightly leaving finger indentations in my sweater.

    I quickly turned around and hit my small fists against his chest despite the large height difference.

   "What the hel-" I had tried to yell but he pulled me into his chest with his right arm, trapping my fragile ones against him.

    " Shh." He had whispered tapping his index finger to those full pink lips of his. The lights from the outide snuck into the room through the broken blinds and beamed right on his face causing a flicker of light to bounce off the silver ring on his finger everytime he tapped it.

   I had somewhat tensed as he gestured me to be quiet, our faces were so close in proximity and i could feel my nerves acting up, my blood rushing throughout me faster then usaul.

    Once his finger was finally still, something had caught my eye as a beam of light landed on his large hand.

    A small cross tattoo was printed on the skin between his index finger and thumb. In that moment, i couldn't help but become curious as my eyes traveled to his wrist where more hidden ink peeked out from beneath the sleeve of his flannel.

   A strip of light landed across his unsettling face as his hand slowly dropped down from my mouth. Jade eyes were the only thing remotely visible in the dark surrounding us and they gave off such a warm feeling, as if they had the ability to light up the whole room of they wanted to.

Harry leaned toward the openings between the blinds watching the action out in the hallway, almost concerned about what was happening. Back and forth, his eyes raced, following every single move outside the door just a few feet away from us.

     Slowly, his arm loosened its grip around my body, giving me an opportunity to take a step back from him.

    Almost immediately his eyes dart to mine with a puzzled gaze and his creases in his forehead, as if the lost of contact between us confused him.

    "Why did you bring me in here Harry?" My voice was barely audible as i tried my hardest to be silent, motioning my hands toward the door.

His brows furrowed with worry evident on his face, as if he didn't understand.

Even though it was clear he strained hard to talk low, his raspy accented voice could easily be heard in this small suffocating janitors closet.

    "One of those boys out there, i over heard their conversation when class ended,"

He was struggling to whisper. The veins in his neck were pulsing, rising underneath his light golden tone skin.

"Someone has a gun.".

As the word slipper from his lips, i could feel my jaw slightly fall.

I shook my head.

It cant be true.

But was it?

"Harry..." My words started off strong but i couldnt finish.

Here i was, standing in this small janitor closet with a boy I hardly knew in the pure darkness.

A sigh escaped my lips, but soft enough that Harry didnt notice.

How did i end up here?

    "Im telling the truth Arabella, I- I wouldnt lie about something like this." His voice cracked, almost afraid that i didn't believe him.

I didn't even know him. His last name, why he only brought me in here and why he was walking home in the rain the other day.

   So many questions swirled in my head, a small headache started to form.

    "But why only me, what about other people out there?" The biggest question on my mind spilled from my lips.

His face tensed and probably the rest of his body.

The sides of his jaw popped out alot more than before in just a couple of seconds, clenching his teeth together inside of his face.

"Well I-" He had started but didn't get the chance to finish.

The warning bell had rung.

My eyes widen in the realization that i have been in this stuffy closet for too long.

"I have to go Harry.".

Once I adjusted the bag on my shoulder, i turned around and reached for the silver doorknob.

The cold shiver traveled to my wrist then disappeared just as my fingertips left the knob.

I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away from him and when the feeling didn't vanish until I turned the hallway corner, I knew that wasn't going to be the last time I see those beautiful green eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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