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The Story: Edge and Roddy Piper, two General Managers brought together by a war... A war that began at Wrestlemania. Since that fateful day, both General Managers have traded victories, with their respective teams back and forth.

On an episode of RAW, Triple H announced that Piper's Team will go up against Edge's Team in a Twelve Man Tag Team Match, where the winner would remain as General Manager and the loser, will be fired.

On the final RAW before Summerslam, both teams got into an all out brawl, as the final chapter of this war looms on the horizon. Who will triumph? Who will prevail? How will the war end? We will find out now

Team Members
WWE Frontline (Edge's Team):
John Cena, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, The Undertaker, Samoa Joe, Jaylin Timmons.

Pipers Posse:
The Big Show, Rusev, Matt Hardy, Rhyno, Alberto Del Rio, Mike Knox.

The Match: The match started with The Big Show and Roman Reigns. While The Big Show was getting a pep talk from Piper, Reigns hits a massive Spear on the Big Show, for a huge and shocking elimination. Reigns then calls for Mike Knox to come into the ring.

Knox obliges and the two begin to trade blows. Knox managed to get the upper hand, dictating the pace in his favor. After wearing down Reigns with various attacks, Knox tags in Matt Hardy and he begins to wear down Reigns even further.

Reigns then tries to battle back, but Hardy stops his momentum, with a huge dropkick. Matt Hardy then attempts a Leg Drop from the top rope, but Reigns, thinking quickly, hits Hardy with a dropkick in mid air. Reigns then tags in his fellow Shield brother Seth Rollins.

Rollins then unleashes his fury on Matt Hardy, hitting him with a vast array of aerial attacks. Rollins then tries for a Curb Stomp, but Hardy rolls out of the way. Hardy then tries a Twist Of Fate, but Rollins reverses, kicks Matt in the gut and he hits the Curb Stomp. Rollins then covers Matt and he gets the three count.

Rusev then comes in and he super kicks Rollins, Rusev then locks in the Accolade, but Roman Reigns breaks it up. Rusev then knocks Reigns out of the ring and Rollins attacks with a flying knee, to Rusev's face. Rusev is however, still on his feet. Rollins then hits another flying knee, but Rusev goes down to one knee.

Rollins then hits a third flying knee, that knocks Rusev down to the ground. Rollins then attempts a Frog Splash, but Rusev rolls out of the way and he quickly locks in the accolade. Rollins had no choice, but to tap out. Roman Reigns then hits a Superman Punch on Rusev, causing the huge Bulgarian to fall to the apron.

Reigns then quickly does an apron dropkick to Rusev. Rhyno then tries to gore Reigns, but Cena stops him with an Attitude Adjustment on the floor. Reigns then gets back into the ring and he Spears Rusev, eliminating him afterwards.

Del Rio then hits a super kick on Reigns, then Rhyno hits the Gore, eliminating Reigns. Samoa Joe then gets in the ring, but Rhyno then tags in Mike Knox. Joe and Knox then begin to beat the hell out of each other, trading moves and near falls for 10 minutes. Joe then attempts a super kick, but Knox counters it into a clothesline.

Knox then tries to hit Joe with the Knox Out, but Joe counters it into a Rear Naked Choke. Knox then powers out and he nails Joe with the Knox Out, for the elimination of Joe. Mike Knox then calls in The Undertaker and the two trade punches. Undertaker begins to wear down Knox with countless punches, before tossing him out of the ring.

The two teams then get into a brawl, then suddenly, Undertaker hits a Deadman's Dive, landing on everybody at ringside. Taker then grabs Knox and he hits a vicious guillotine leg drop, on the ring apron. Taker then stalks Knox for a Chokeslam, but Rhyno hits the deadman with a steel chair. Undertaker then Chokeslams Rhyno and he Tombstones Knox, on the steel chair, eliminating him from the match.

Taker then tags in Cena and he begins to attack Rhyno. Rhyno then fights back and powerbombs Cena into the turnbuckle. Rhyno then gets out a table and he attempts to put Cena through it, but Cena counters and he hits Rhyno with a devastating Attitude Adjustment, sending Rhyno through the table. Cena then covers Rhyno and he eliminates him.

Del Rio then tries to eliminate Cena quickly, but Cena quickly kicks out at one. Del Rio then hits Cena with brass knuckles, given to him by Roddy Piper and he eliminates Cena. Jaylin Timmons then jumps in and he attacks Del Rio. For 15 minutes, Jaylin and Del Rio trade momentum back and forth, until they knock each other with a double cross body.

Jaylin then tags in Undertaker and the deadman unleashes hell on Del Rio. Moments later, Undertaker attempts a Last Ride on Del Rio, but Del Rio counters it, into a Sunset Flip and to the shock of everyone, he eliminates The Phenom. The Undertaker, not taking the elimination well, Chokeslams Del Rio and Tombstones him before leaving.

Two men remain, Jaylin and Del Rio. Both men were fatigued, but they continued to fight despite that fact. Del Rio then locks Jaylin in the Cross Armbreaker, Jaylin however reverses it into a Triangle Hold. Del Rio then tries to powerbomb Jaylin, but Jaylin slips down the back and he hits the Shout Out. Jaylin then looks to win the war for his team, but Piper pulls the referee out of the ring, before his hand counted three and he hits him.

Edge then Spears Piper, from out of nowhere. Jaylin then hits another Shout Out on Del Rio, another referee then rushes out to the arena to make the count, but before his hand counted three, the Titantron malfunctioned, and Bray Wyatt attacks the referee.

He also takes out Edge, before attacking Jaylin. Bray Wyatt then lays out Jaylin with Sister Abigail and he pulls Del Rio, into the cover of Jaylin. Piper then calls for referee Scott Armstrong to make the three count. Before Armstrong could make the count however, the lights in the arena go dark. Suddenly, a wolf's howl is heard throughout the arena.

When the lights come back on, Scott Armstrong is nowhere to be found, as he is replaced by a returning Chey Taylor! The man who ended Triple H's career at Wrestlemania months ago. Chey then lays out Bray Wyatt with an earth shattering Pedigree and he knocks out Piper, with his customized metal Sledgehammer.

Chey then pulls Jaylin into the cover of Alberto Del Rio and one of the knocked out referees makes the three count.

Winner: Team WWE Frontline

After the Match: While Edge and Jaylin celebrated their victory backstage, Piper begins to blame Bray Wyatt for his loss. Wyatt then knocks out Piper with Sister Abigail and he laughs as the program ends.

So that is the end of my Summerslam PPV. What did you guys think? What match was your favorite? Comment and Let me know!

Peace and Love

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