Strange things

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Dan and Phil walk into the kitchen to see Hayley dishing up the food for everyone. Ali appeared next to Phil. He avoids looking at her.
"What are you doing I can't exactly go away when you can see me." Ali says.
Phil doesn't say anything. He sits down and starts playing with his food.
"Are you alright Phil?" Hayley asks.
"Yeah I'm fine I was just thinking." Phil replies.
Hayley and Dan go back to watching tv but Dan keeps and eye on Phil. Phil continues to stare at his food.
"Please look at me don't do this to me talk to me do something!" Ali yells at Phil.
Phil shifts in his seat uncomfortably.
"Phil I can't go away and you know it pleas I need you!" Ali continues to yell. Phil slowly starts eating his food.
"Why are you doing this!" Ali yells her anger causing the nearest window to break.
Everyone jumps. "What the hell was that?" Dan asks worried.
Ali stares at the window in shock. Phil looks at her and sees the shock and surprise on her face. "I'll be right back." Phil says standing up.
He goes to his room and gets his coat and shoes on. He walks to the door. "Where are you going?" Dan asks.
"I have to go visit a friend in the hospital." Phil replies.
"We'll go with you." Hayley says.
"You don't have to I'll be fine." Phil says.
"We're going with you." Dan says standing up.
Phil groans and waits by the door. He looms to see Ali still staring at the window. He walks over to her. "Are you alright?" He asks her. She doesn't say anything she just disappears.
Dan and Hayley come back. "Phil let's go." Dan. They leave the apartment.
Phil stays silent as hey get in the car. "What's wrong?" Hayley asks looking back at him from the passenger seat. He's about to speak when Ali appears in the seat next to him.
"I'm alright." Phil replies and looks at Ali. She looks him in the eyes. He feels a sense of warmth and comfort was over him.
They arrive at the hospital and Phil jumps out of the car. He runs up to the receptionist desk. She looks up at him. "May I help you?" She asks.
"I'm looking for Ali Gabriel." Phil replies as Ali whispers her name in his ear.
The receptionist tells him the floor and room numbers.
Phil takes of towards the elevators with Dan and Hayley right behind him. He doesn't listen as Dan tells him to slow down.
They make it to the elevators and Phil starts to push the button repeatedly. "Phil stop." Dan says yanking Phil's hand away from the buttons. Phil looks around for any sign of Ali.
The doors open and they get on the elevator  Phil pushes the floor number that they need. The doors close and the elevator starts moving.
Phil glances around the elevator looking around for Ali every five seconds.

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