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The door to the elevator opens and Phil quickly makes his way down the hall checking every room number. He sees the room and stops.
Hayley and Dan catch up to him. "Since when can you run so fast?" Dan asks out of breath.
"Phil are you alright?" Hayley asks.
"I don't know." Phil answers quietly.
"Well go in she's your friend you should go see her." Dan says. He opens the door.
"Wait can I go in and have a moment alone?" Phil asks.
"Yeah go ahead Dan and I will be out here when you're ready." Hayley answers.
Phil slowly walks into the room. He walks over to the bed and sits in the chair next to it. He looks at the breathing tube and the heart monitor and all the other tubes and wires. He also looks at the bruises and the few stitches she has on her arms alone.
He slowly reaches out and grabs Ali's hand. He takes a deep breath not knowing what to say.
Out in the hall Dan and Hayley are talking quietly while waiting for Phil. "Do you think he's really alright?" Hayley asks.
"I don't know I've never seen him act like that." Dan replies.
"Do you know who that girl is?" She asks another question.
"I don't know I didn't even know he knew her." Dan replies.
"I think he loves her." Hayley says after a moment of silence.
Dan is about to reply when Phil comes running out of the room. "What's wrong?" Dan asks concerned.
"I need a doctor she's awake!" Phil yells running down the hall.
"You go into the room and check on her I'll follow Phil." Hayley says. She takes off after Phil as Dan goes into the room.
Dan sees Ali awake looking around. Phil and Hayley come back in with a doctor behind them.
The doctor takes out her breathing tube and gives her an exam to make sure everything is alright. He turns to the three standing by the door. "Who are you?" He asks them.
"I'm her sister our parents aren't in the picture anymore." Hayley says.
"She appears to be healthy if you would like you can sign her out and someone will need to keep an eye on her for a month or so all day is there any other family that can do that?" The doctor asks.
"Hayley lives with my mate and I so Ali can stay with us." Dan says.
"I just need you to sign some papers." The doctor says.
Hayley agrees. The doctor hands her the papers to read over and sign. Hayley and Dan read over he papers. Phil stays by Ali. He ignores what the others are saying.
An hour later they arrive back at the apartment. Dan and Hayley go into the kitchen. Phil and Ali go into the living room.
"Are you feeling alright?" Phil asks.
"Yeah I'm fine." Ali replies. Phil turns on the tv to a random channel.
In the kitchen Dan and Hayley are having a conversation. "Is Phil acting different to you?" Dan asks.
"What do you mean?" Hayley asks.
"Well normally he's awkward around girls and now he seems protective of her." Dan answers.
"Maybe she makes him more confident in himself." Hayley says. She takes her glass of water and takes it into the living room.
Phil and Ali are laying on the couch sleeping cuddled up to each other. Hayley smiles and pulls out her phone. She takes a quick picture just as Dan walks into the living room.

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