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"Hey you!"


I heard footsteps coming closer. They were running.

I managed to look up.

Through the flames I could see a blury silhouette, then everything turned black and I passed out.

"Huh? Chanyeollie what are you afraid of? The small bug there? Here, let Eomma fix this."

"And whenever you're scared, just close your eyes for a second and think about how much I love you! Then everything will become okay again. Eomma will always love you!"

"Chanyeol-ah! Smile!"

Why do I remember this now? Am I-

"There he is.."

Who's voice is that?

I heard how someone let out a sigh of relief next to me and slowly opened my eyes.

"Baekhyun who's that?", the same voice asked and I felt how a hand let go of my chest. I felt dizzy and blinked plenty times, in hope this blury image would clear itself.

Why am I still alive?

"I don't know.", replied another voice.

"Then why did you bring him here? You know that I don't like strangers."

"I told you I saw him up that hill and his whole Body was.. was burning! W-Well it seemed like the flames didn't harm him at all because when he passed out, they disappeared. He's not human. He's one of us. That's why I brought him to you Lay.. I mean.. You're the healing Unicorn after all."

My eyes widened. One of them?!

They got alert by my gasp and stopped talking immediately. I looked at the two strangers and slowly tried to get up but the one who seemed to be healing me pressed me back down onto the floor. "You shouldn't move yet.", he said. "Who are you? Why am I here and mainly, why am I still alive?" I asked but he just sighed out and shrugged.

"Well.. Uh.. My name's Baekhyun.. This is Lay.. Aaand you're here because I brought you here. by the way, you're damn heavy. And you're not dead because Lay healed you. Any other questions I should answer you?"

Heavy? I'm starving and this weirdo calls me heavy?! I shook my head and calmed down a little. Baekhyun fold his hands together and looked at me. "have your parents taught you any manners? Wouldn't you like to tell us who you are?" I blinked and opened my mouth to tell him that I haven't seen my parents in years, that I'm wandering around lonely, asking passengers for food or money and that I'm a looner. But why should I tell a stranger something like that? I sighed tiredly and simply answered: "I'm Chanyeol.. and.. yeah." Lay let go of me and the slight glow which was around his palms while he took care of me disappeared. He took my hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Chanyeol." Then he stood up and left the room.

I watched him leaving and then let my eyes wander over the room. It was a bit messy, yet comfotable and kinda colorful. Many llama plushies and pretty weird in general. "You don't talk much do you?" I got ripped out of my thoughts and looked at Baekhyun who was sitting right infront of me. I raised an eyebrow. "What else do you want me to say? I don't even know you!" He didn't say anything to that and scratched the back of his neck.

"He's not human. He's one of us."

I sat up. "What do you mean with that?", I asked. "With what?" He wanted to push me back down but I told him not to worry and that I already felt better. "That I'm one of you.." Baekhyun smirked slightly. "how much did you actually hear while we were talking?" I shrugged. "Not much.. Just that." He nodded. "Alright let me be honest with you. I saved you because I saw your power. You might were thinking you're the only one with such a mysterious ability but that's not true. I guess by what I saw that you're in charge of fire.. Well Lay is in charge of healing as you might've guessed already."

"And you're in charge of?" He held out his hand and opened his palm and suddenly bright light appeared, shining brighter than any light I've seen before. "Light. I'm in charge of light." He simply added. I was amazed by his control, he just could summon it like that, without going through any pain, any strong emotions flowing through his mind. Just like that.

Baekhyun got up and streched for a bit. "How many more are out there?", I asked while looking at my hands, still trying to figure out how it could be possible to controll that burden. He looked over to me. "I don't know.. I've only met you, Lay and Kris." "Kris?" I looked up curious to know what power this person had. Baekhyun hesitated and just then Lay walked in. "Baekhyun how much longer do you plan on staying? Get him home, his parents sure are wondering where he is."

I looked down. "They don't care. so it doesn't matter." Lay looked over to me and then nodded understanding. Baekhyun sighed. "Chanyeol I'll drop you off at your place, come."

I stood up, already feeling better thanks to Lay's healing.

"Wait.. I know I probably don't even deserve to ask this from you.. b-but please.. please teach me how to controll it!" Baekhyun stopped on his walk towards the door and turned around to face me. He stood quiet for a while, looking over to Lay. But Lay just turned away and walked into another room, wishing us a good night. I asked myself if this guy was annoyed by us or just caught in his own world somewhere else. Lost in thoughts of something we wouldn't understand.

I stared at Baekhyun who looked back at me afterwards. I waited for an answer but this guy took to long. "..." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside.

"Alright listen. If you want me to teach you how to gather control of your power then you'll have to take a risk." I smiled for myself. What do I have to loose? I have nothing, so I can only win here.

I nodded. "What risk?" "You're risking to abandon your home, your family, your friends, throughout your whole old life. From this moment on you won't be able to ever come back to your old life again. because this is a path you have to take on your own. normals won't understand. Do you still want to come with me?"

I didn't wait any second. "Yes I do." Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, surprised by the fact that I didn't hesitate a bit in my answer. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you sure, I mean you-" "I Don't have family. I never had friends. I don't even know where I should stay at night, I fall alseep at the place I am at the moment. I am sure." He let go of his neck and his hand slowly slipped down into his pocket. I looked down and sighed. He leaned against a tall fence and eyed me over for a second. "Then let's not waste any more time and let's go."

I bowed my head. "Thank you Baekhyun-hyung." "Yah don't call me that.. I'm only some months older than you.. And don't bow either.. it makes me feel like an old hag or something..." I nodded. "I'm sorry." He patted my back and started walking. I followed behind.

"Where are we going?" He shrugged. "Where our feet carry us to." He chuckled and I stopped walking in confusement. He noticed it and turned around. Baekhyun raised an eyebrow and walked up to me. "That was a joke. Yah don't you know sarcasm?" I sighed. "Sorry I just thought that-" "For what are you appologizing now boy? Damn you're way too serious Chanyeol." He poked my cheek and grinned. "Chanyeol-ah! Smile!"


Chapter 2 is out and I'm working on chapter 3 now ^-^

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