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I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the street. Right. I must've fallen asleep without thinking about going back to my place. But doesn't my home seem to be everywhere lately? I can come and leave whenever I want. Do what I want. So why aren't I happy?

I sat up and pulled my hood over my head after rubbing my eyes awake. I hesitated in getting up, my back hurted so badly from the cold asphalt I was sleeping on. I sighed and looked around while knocking the dust off my pants. finally I recognized the place. I often come to this bridge. It's not too noisy and the view is nice too, even though I only hang around underneath it. Here, inbetween the graffiti painted walls is where I come to set up my mind after a long day.

I don't remember the last time I was at home.. Everything happened too fast and here I am now. Leaving paths behind me without any goal. I just keep walking and walking around. I saw so many places already but even though someone would call that paradise.. it's hell.

I'm a looner. A homeless 19 years old guy. With no job and a hungry stomach. How much longer can I endure this? I'm not sure. I don't know what to do with myself.. Ever since that day, my life completely changed. ever since my inner self showed.

I knew from this side of me before. but I tought I could controll it. I was wrong. once I get mad, it starts boiling inside of me. The phoenix

I shut my eyes close. I didn't want to bring up anything of that day now. I needed help that was for sure. But what can I do? I'm all alone, people don't even notice me and as soon as they would get to know about me, they'd run away. I wonder if out there is anyone else who suffers just as I do. Why does this have to happen to me?! Why can't I be normal?!

I let out an angry growl and my fists got surrounded by fire. I gazed at my hands in frustration, shaking them rapidly. "Go away! Go away!!", I shouted. But I only made it worse. This always happens, and I can't do anything about it. I don't know what to do about it.

I sat down slowly, forcing myself to calm. I didn't care about how some trash close by caught fire. I stared at the growing flames in disgust.


They grew bigger. Again I tried to calm and the flames in my palm began to fade. I got up again and wiped the forming tears in my eyes away. I sighed and put my hands in the pockets of my hoodie.

I decided to go for a walk since that's what I usualy do. The streets were full of people like always. So many different people. Where are they heading to?

I'm envious of them all. A warm home is awaiting them, the embrace of a loving and caring mother-

 Mother.. I felt a knot forming in my stomach when I thought about my mother. Out of everyone she at least tried to save me. But my father thought it was best for their health to push me away. Out of their lifes.

I looked up at the sky. I didn't notice it getting dark. I walked up a hill I've never been up before and sat down on a bench I spotted. I looked up to the sky and let out a slight sigh.

The stars shone bright. They seem so careless. So free.

I heard my stomach growl and held onto it. "Ugh.." I was so hungry but I decided to stop asking people on the street for food. I always felt very ashamed of myself when I did that and I don't want that. Actually I could ask myself why I keep going with all of this. I mean what's the point in continuing? I will never be able to live a normal life so why shouln't I end it all? Here. Now.

I felt it again. The power begang expanding itself again. But I couldn't hold it back. No. I didn't want to hold it back. "You want to take controll over me? Then do it! Do it god damnit!" I yelled at the sky and got up. "I won't fight you anymore! I'm sick of it!" I let out a loud groan and then took a deep breath. "I hate all of this.. S-Stop.. Stop the pain already!!" Now it showed itself completely. Wings of fire spread itself. I sank down to ground holding onto my head while the flames surounded me. Everything became blury and then slowly began to disappear.

So this is how it ends..


Annyeong ^-^

Finally I found some time to write a fanfic. A ChanBaek one :3

I guess you figured out by now that it's in Chanyeol's POV :3 but depending on things it might change into other's POVs we'll see..

Anyways, this is how chapter 1 of Light up the dark ends how do you like it? please leave a comment! I'd be happy to hear some opinions! :3

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