Chapter 2: Jordan's POV

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After homeroom, the rest of the morning was pretty much the same. I met my new teachers, got some paperwork to fill out, and basically just sat around reading. On my way to third block, I run into Rodney and another new guy.

"It's Jordan right?" he asks.

"Umm, I'm not sure. Is it?" I respond with a confused expression. He laughs and then introduces me to the other guy.

"Kingston, this is Jordan. Jordan this is my brother Kingston."

I smile and greet, "Hi. It's nice to meet you Kingston." 

"It's nice to meet you too." he replies as he shakes my extended hand. After we shake hands, Rodney asks me what lunch I have.

"Second, why?" I question.

"GREAT, I'll see you there beautiful. Later." he says with a wink. I laugh and hurry to my third block class. I walk in with just a minute to spare. A few minutes later of boring introductions and procedures, the 12:10 bell rings signalling the start of second lunch.

I hurry out the class to see Rodney waiting at the bottom of the staircase. 'He doesn't have an upstairs class so he must have just came from his locker,' I think. He smiles as i walk over and to my surprise, grabs my hand.

"Is this okay?" he asks.

"It's fine, I guess." I reply with a shrug. With that he leads us to the cafeteria. As we walk in, I see an old "friend." He looks at me and then Rodney before walking over. I pull Rodney to a table as he approaches.

"Is it okay if I sit with you guys?" he asks when he nears our table.

"Sure, no problem man" Rodney says with a smile.

"Thanks" he replies sarcastically as he takes a seat across from me. "So are you two dating?" he ask Rodney.

"Wellll-" Rodney starts playfully before I interrupt him.

"No we are not dating. We ran into each other this morning on the way to homeroom." I answer simply. Rodney nudges me before leaning close to my ear.

"Don't act like it's no big deal. You know you want me," he whispers making me laugh. John looks confused as he watches us making me laugh harder.

"Don't worry John," I tell him. "It wasn't about you." He looks between us again before asking Rodney some questions.

"So, Rodney, where did you come from?'" he asks

"Well my mom but we moved here from Atlanta" he replies with a smirk. I laugh at his statement and call him crazy. Suddenly he yells out "Don't leave me woman, I need you"

I'm laughing as he lays across my lap dramatically making me laugh even more. Still laughing, i smack his arm and tell him to get off. He laughs and kisses my stomach before sitting up. A few minutes later, the bell rings ending lunch. We say bye to John and he walks me to class.

"Was he an ex-boyfriend of yours?" he asks as we walk back to class.

"Yeah, he was. Why?" I question

"It's nothing really except for the fact that he wasn't too thrilled to meet me. Did I also forget to mention that he cared if we were dating or not?" he responds.

"Don't worry about him. I think you're a cool guy. You're also funny. Anyways, thanks for walking me to class." I say as I stop in front of it and turn to him.

He smiles and says, "anytime beautiful." With that, he walks away and I enter my class. Two minutes later, the bell rings and all I can think about is Rodney. Will this be the start of a great friendship or something more?

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