Chapter 16: Rodney'S POV

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After third block is over, I really don't have to stay at school. The only reason I do is to see Jordan of course, and to drive my brother home.

As I sit in the library, I am playing on my phone when a class comes in. John of course is in that class.

I instantly become angry but remembering what Jordan asked me to do, I close my eyes and picture her sweet smile and beautiful face. I instantly calm down and open my eyes.

John is glaring at me as he whispers something to some girl. I hear her
Giggle before She playfully slaps his arm. He is obviously flirting with her I think as I roll my eyes. "Loser" I whisper before returning to my phone.

As the afternoon goes on, I just ignore him until finally the bell rings ending the day. I am gathering my books as John approaches me.

"I hope you and Jordan have a great life together but like I said, it is not going to last long" He says with a leering smirk on his face before laughing.

It is taking every ounce of strength I have to stay seated right now. Finally, I just get up and walk away before I murder his ass. As I walk out the building, I see Jordan, her sister, and Kingston.

Her sister is with a guy whom I presume is her boyfriend but Kingston still tries to flirt with her. As I approach them, Jordan smiles at me which I return. She kisses my cheek before we walk to her mom's car.

When we are ahead of the group, I question her.

"Soo, was that your sisters boyfriend?" I ask her.

"Yeah it was" she laughs, "she told Kingston that but he doesn't care because he really likes my sister. Her boyfriend, Joe, just stood there laughing at him." she finishes.

"That is strange but maybe he knows my brother won't get her" I tell her.

She laughs and says, "He might". I raise an eyebrow at her but do not say anything as we reach her mom's car.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Thompson. It is nice to see you again" I greet.

"Hello Rodney. It is nice to see you again As well" she responds with a smile. I walk over to the passenger side and open the door for Jordan.

She smiles and says, "Thank you" before I close her door. When her sister gets in, I wave goodbye As they pull off. Walking over to my car, I see a very pissed off Kingston.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"EVERYTHING!" he yells. "The fact that she has a boyfriend already when she should be MINE" he states. I laugh at him which causes him to glare at me.

"Dude, if you want her then do not give up. Knowing you, you are probably already thinking up a scheme to have her fall for you" I tell him. After a few minutes, he smiles.

"Yeah bro, I guess you're right" he says happily as we get in the car. As I pull out the parking lot, I hear him whisper, "she will be mine" before all is silent.

A few minutes later, we make it home but we are not greeted by Mia as usual. We look at each other in confusion and fear before we dash to the house. I burst through the door first and what I see takes my breath away.

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