Chapter 18: Jordan's POV

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A few tortuous minutes later, it is 4pm. I am all done and waiting for Rodney to come home. His mom picked out a nice floral sundress with a white cardigan and yellow sandals for me to wear. She also gave me a beautiful diamond crusted heart necklace.

"You don't have to give me this" I tried to protest but she gave me a look that brooked no argument. I sighedonce again in defeat.

"Jordan, you look beautiful" my mom said causing me to smile.

"Thanks mom" I say as we hug, "For everything". I hear tiny feet approaching fast and pull away just in time to catch Mia in my arms.

I smile as I lift her up and she hugs me really tightly making me cough a little.

"Jojo you look weally pwetty!" she says making my smile widen. I laugh and tell her thank you as She lays her head on my shoulder.

It is 4:30pm when we hear a car pull into the yard. Mia fell asleep in my arms again so Rodney'S mom took her to her room.

"Are you ready?" they ask when his mom returns downstairs. I nod my head and straighten my dress as I stand.

"Yes ma'am" I say before a loud bang catches our attention. Standing in the doorway is Rodney. He looks more than shocked to see me standing in his living room. I believe he may have stopped breathing for a second.

I laugh at him which snaps him out of his shocked state. Kingston leaves obviously not wanting to interrupt while our moms stay behind with wide smiles.

"Jo-Jordan" he stutters as I laugh and walk towards him. I intertwine our fingers before responding.

"Yes Rodney, it is me" I say with a wide smile.

"B-but w-what are y-you d-doing here?" he asks.

"Welll, our moms have a surprise for us" I tell him as He turns to look at his grinning mother.

"Mom, what is going on?" He asks her.

She just smiles and says, "Go shower first and then I will tell you".

"Umm okay" he says looking at me one more time before running up the stairs. A few minutes later, Rodney comes back downstairs.

My mouth instantly waters at the sight. Rodney looks like the sexiest man alive right now and I am loving what I am seeing. He is wearing a black shirt that shows off his muscles and accentuates his body, a pair of dark blue jeans, and some white converse. When he catches my eyes, he smirks at me before turning to his mother.

"Okay mom, may you please tell me what's going on now?" he asks desperately. I laugh at his begging as his mom smiles.

"Well of course I can son" she says making me laugh. "After seeing how close you and Jordan are after a few days of knowing each other, her mom and I decided to set you guys up on a mystery date" she explains to him.

I watch as his face goes from shock to confusion to pure happiness. He walks to me before he starts talking.

"Well beautiful" he starts, "you look amazing". He tells me and I laugh.

"Thank you" I tell him as he smiles and turns to our moms.

"So where are we going?" he asks them.

They both smile at us before yelling excitedly, "You guys are going to Medieval Times!"

My mouth literally drops open before I squeal like a little girl. I run and hug both of them screaming, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!". They all laugh at me before Rodney hugs and thanks them as well.

"Go on you crazy kids and enjoy the show" my mom says making us laugh.

"Have fun darlings" his mom says as we walk out the door.

"So beautiful, are you ready?" he asks opening the passenger door for me.
I smile and reply, "OF course I am ready. Now let's go mister" I say as he laughs. He hops in the car and drives off. All I am thinking is, 'This is going to be the BEST night ever!!'

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