Chapter 7: Jordan's POV

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It's Monday morning and I'm very excited to see Rodney. After he kissed me Saturday night, I felt all flushed with fever but I really need to set things straight. He treats me like his girlfriend yet we are only friends. I don't mind though. Its just that if we're friends, we need to stay friends.

As I crawl out of bed, I hear a horn outside and look to see Rodney. I quickly dash out the house to question him.

"Rodney, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I whisper yell at him.

"Well good morning to you too beautiful. I came to give you a ride to school." he smiles.

"Rodney," I sigh, "you need to leave. Like right no. My step dad drops me and my sister off every morning." I tell him.

"I understand beautiful. Sorry for not asking first." he says as he pulls out my yard. As I walk into the house, my sister questions me but I ignore it. I have to finish getting ready anyways.

It is 7:20 am when we arrive at school. I'm not as excited to see Rodney anymore because I know I was a little harsh this morning. As I head to the library, I hear footsteps catching up to me.

"Hey beautiful" Rodney greets while placing an arm on my shoulders.

"Hey" John says.

"Hey" I respond back. Rodney instantly stops walking, grabbing my hand to stop me from walking too.

"What's wrong?" he asks. His voice laced with concern.

"Its nothing" I lie while trying to keep walking.

"Jordan" he presses. I sigh knowing there's no point arguing.

"It's just that I feel really bad about this morning." I tell him.

He smiles and lifts up my chin. "Jordan, it's okay. I should have asked first and now I know for the future." he says softly.

I smile and pull him into a hug. After we separate, I pull him and John along with me to the library.Ten minutes later, the warning be rings and were off to class.

As usual, Rodney walks me to class and then heads off to his own. As the bell rings to begin school, I can't help but think, 'What if this is something more?'

Authors Note

Thanks to everyone who is reading, commenting, liking, and sharing this book. This story is already completely written and will be up on wattpad within the next few days.
Please recommend to others if you enjoy. Thank you guys for the support and sorry for the short chapter.

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