Chapter Two

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Watz's P.O.V

 Christopher is a nice boy but there is something off about him.

It may not exactly be him but something is definitely off about his life and foundation at home.  

We never see his parents or any siblings. His clothes aren't exactly always clean and he's very jumpy.

I don't know. I should drop it, I thought, right before Thomas yelled, "Hey Girl!"

Thomas is my best guy friend since first grade. He is like my other brother. 

Thomas is 6'1, brunette, and he surfs. He always looks like he lives on the beach but he is very attractive and has never had a problem with getting a date. I'm not attracted to him in that way though. 

"Hey!" I yelled back as he ran up to me. "You look snazzy," I said, admiring his black dress pants, tie and polished shoes. Oh, and he had actually brushed his hair. I giggled and poked him in the chest, then asked why he was dressed so nicely. 

"My mom wants to get family pictures on the beach after church," he said, rolling his eyes. 

Thomas's mom, Georgia, is very close friends with my mom. They've know each other since 7th grade and they run a photography class together. They are always off somewhere just taking pictures of random stuff and talking about art.

"Well don't let my mom find out about those plans or she'll want to tag along," I said, rolling my eyes. 

"What plans?" Megan screamed from the top of the hill. 

I swear that chick has hawk ears! She hears everything! It's scary.....

"My mom has a photo shoot set up for my family after church," Thomas screamed back after looking around to make sure my mom didn't hear so I wouldn't have to kill him, but they had already left.

"Oh! Fun!" she replied mockingly. 

"Well let's get going. We are already going to be 'fashionably late'," I said, pulling Megan along and hoping Thomas would follow. 

"I didn't know you could be fashionably late to church," said Thomas

"You can't! That's why we need to get going," I said and grabbed his right hand, pulling him to stand on my right side and Megan on my left.

We silently walked up the hill to church. When we reached the top we just stopped. 

I looked around soaking everything in. The little church sat at the bottom of the other side of the hill and  I could hear everyone inside. Worship had started but hey had left the doors open so all the beautiful sound flowed out into the street. 

Megan let out a deep sigh, slowly took four steps forward and then stopped. 

I watched intently as she ran her hands across her light blue dress smoothing out any creases and then carefully slipped off her low heals handing them to Thomas. She then took her deep red hair out of its bun and wrapping the ribbon around her ankle. 

Megan took about 30 seconds to soak in her surroundings and then took off running down the hill, singing at the top of her lungs. 

She spun in circles, jumping in the air and worshiping with the church. 

As I watched Megan sing and let everything out I very quietly whispered the lyrics with her. 

Megan had a very hard life. Her stories were painful to listen to but she would always laugh when telling them to try to ease all the pain she was feeling. 

It's not a laugh like when something is funny though, it's like a laugh of disbelief and sorrow.

Slowly I started to sing louder and louder, eventually standing at the top of the hill screaming out the words with my hands in the air. 

Thomas sang along with us, running down the hill to Megan. 

I don't know if I was crying tears of joy or just relief to be able to let everything out but it was an amazing feeling; singing at the top of  my lungs with the church. 

We worshiped with the church for over an hour then when the sermon started we siletly sat on the front steps of the church intently listening. 

As the sermon was coming to an end all three of us started to walk, attempting to get ahead of the crowd.

We walked in silence, just listening to the birds and the crashing of the waves in the distance. The oh so familiar smell of the salty ocean filled the air.

When we reached the top of the hill looking out on the ocean Megan screamed "Race you to the bottom!" then she took off down the hill. Thomas was neck and neck with her his longer legs giving him an advantage but her determination taking over.

Her right foot hit the water just before his and of coarse she put on a victory dance that sent her dress riding up a little too high.

"Oh gosh," I thought as she ran around purposely pulling her dress up to a dangerous height.

It was nothing Thomas or I had never seen but you know, this is a public beach.

When Thomas had caught her around the waist stopping her from doing anything else I started to walk down the hill enjoying the scenery. 

As I reached the water I took off my red Converse and sat in the water soaking my jeans while Thomas sat next to me and Megan did cartwheels and flips all over the beach.

Megan is an Amazing gymnast. She is very flexible and its always doing crazy flips in the air that are pretty much impossible for me to do.

While I sat next to Thomas we talked about summer plans and music. We only had a short period of time to talk before we were interrupted by a piercing high pitch voice screaming "Thomas! Oh Thomas! I've missed you so much!!"

This voice came from the one and only Kara Burrow, Thomas's ex girlfriend. 

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