Chapter Five

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"Is there a Reese in here? Watz Reese?" 

Watz was pulled out of her thoughts when her extremely boring History teacher had slightly raised his voice.

"Here." she said raising her head from her desk.

The man just stared back at her like she had two heads.

Once again and  little louder Watz said, "Here. I am here." 

one Mississippi...

two Mississippi...

three Mississippi...

If i get to five and he does at least blink I am pronouncing him dead.

four Mississippi...

five Mississippi...

"Ok, I'm done. Bye." she said out loud.

She picked up her things and exited the classroom.

'I don't like teachers' she thought to herself.

As she wandered down the halls aimlessly her black combat boots clomped and occasional squeaked against the white tiled floor.

Letting out a dramatic sigh her hands itched to play the guitar.

Turning down another empty hall she counted the doors down to the specific one she was looking for.

The music room.

Slowly opening the door she slipped in looking for her guitar.

Picking it up out of its corner she unlocked the smooth leather case and picked up the guitar.

Letting her fingers wander over the strings she played a random tune. 

As her finger danced across the cold metal strings she felt all stress lift off her shoulders.

As she finished playing the spontaneous tune she locked her guitar back up in it case and left the room.

Walking back down the halls to the front of the school Watz felt significantly more calm, feeling the guitar bump against her leg as she walked.

When she made it to the front she pushed open the heavy metal doors that exited the school.

Talking a seat on the bottom step of the school she pulled out her phone texting Thomas. 

-Gruff had a stroke on us. I'm in the front and I'm hungry. You up for an early lunch?

-Hmm... I don't know. I'm really loving this geometry... I'll be out front with the truck in less than ten:) Get Megan.

-Ok. See ya.

Slipping her phone into her back pocket she re-entered the school.

Extending her right arm out she let her fingers drag along the seemingly endless row of lockers.

Reaching the end of the long hall she slipped inside the school office. The secretary was asleep and the principle was on his lunch break so no one would catch her.

Reaching over the counter she picked up the microphone.

I am so sorry to interrupt but could Megan Peck please be excused to the front office? Thank you.

Letting out a shaky breath she set the microphone back down and slipped out of the office.

Watz had done this many times before but it was always nerve racking. She could very easily been caught.

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