Chapter 8

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Roman woke up to her soft laughter in the background and the rumbling sound of the air conditioner turning off. He slowly opened his eyes he looked l we towards his sleeping wife. "How I'm the hell is she sleeping so peacefully In a small Area. He thought sitting up stretching his arms.

"Well look who decided to wake up,how was your sleep Thor snore?" Paige said  Snickering.

"Okay first,how old are you...second my sleep was nice thank you very much....what time did you two get here I thought you left last night?"

"We did but we came back around 7 to see if you wanted to go get something to eat thinking Ali would be in one of her sessions or something."

"So first night being with her since...a you holdin up bro?" Dean asked sitting up in his chair turning to Roman.

"I'd be better if I was looking at my wife in our bed and not a hospital bed thanks to some creep bastard."

"We know you love her Reigns but maybe some breakfast will help relax ya there's an ihop across the street and a Starbucks down stairs in the building." Paige suggested while pulling on her Think Again hoodie.

" does sound nice...I like that idea."

"Of course you do Dean,you eat just about every 5 minutes."

"HEY! I work it off get off my case babe!"

"Oh whatta ya say Roman?"

"I'm staying here until she wakes up...ill be fine."

"Alright...we'll bring you back something. Text us if you get any news while we're gone."

Roman turned his attention back to Alicia who was still fast asleep and gently caressed the side of her face. "I'm so sorry this all happened baby...I hate seeing you like mean everything to me...and I promise after today...I'm gonna change...that a promise."

"Ro?" A soft voice said he glanced down to see Alicia's eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Hey beautiful...glad to see you're awake."

"Well I'm glad to wake up and the first thing to see are those amazing bright day dream eyes."

"I could say the same for you...well minus the blue...brown...still the best thing to wake up to."

"Roman...I'm sorry...I'm really really sorry for everything...I don't know what I was thinking an-

"'s not your fault baby...look things are all over but I promise things are gonna get better...I'm gonna change some of my ways...I'm gonna help long as you can help me...which mainly all you've gotta do is show me that beautiful face of yours and my day is complete."

"You're so corny." She said playfully nudging him

  "So...have you heard anything...when I'm gonna be able to leave?"

"Actually,you've got another night then you're free tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh thank god! I'm ready to get back in the ring I seriously miss it...the fans...everything."

"'re being hard headed again...doc said at least 2 weeks away from the ring after you leave...and if I have to.ill take time off just to make sure you won't do anything you're not supposed to."

"Roman! It's been in and out of hospitals for who knows how long now,I'm going I noose my mind only maybe a week back in the ring then bam Alicia's gone again,the divas title needs someone to represent the division,we need real matches, we can't have The Bella's week after week on tv bitc*ing and blah blah!"

"Trust me,I know Stephanie's got things planned you just need to focus on resting then the ring,trust me,you'll thank us all when you heal up and get back without worry of one wrong move and done."


"I didn't mean it that'll be fine okay...promise'll listen to doctors orders and won't try to over do and try to rush heal?"

"Fine...I promise."

"Good." He leaned forward kissing her cheek smiling to himself. "Paige and Dean went to go get breakfast I won't mind sharing since you missed when they came in earlier with your food but you were asleep."

"I just want a caramel frappé and I can sleep for the rest of the day."

"You're seriously obsessed with those things,I'll have to wanna share?"

"YEA Right!?"

"What! Since when do you not share,alright that's it's we're gonna have to change up the amount of girls you hang out with Paige."

"You guys act like she's a bad influence of anything she's teaching me how to speak out without a care if no one agrees with your opinion,speaking your mind.

"Excuse me,Ali! Are you ready for your morning route?" Someone called from behind the door.

"Come in!" In walked in Alicia's nurse Taylor,she was the one who helped Alicia get washed and changed since she could only use one arm at the time.

"I am...sorry Ro but you gotta go."

"What,come on,it's not like I haven't seen you n-


"Alright alright,I'll be downstairs just send me a text when your you."

"Love you too."

"Hey...mrs I Know your a nurse but please,don't enjoy the view too much...she's mine!"

"Oh,I'm married."

"SO AM I, GOOD DAY!" As soon as he closed the door both Alicia and Taylor started laughing uncontrollably.

"So he's the amazing boyfriend you've been going on about huh?"

"Boyfriend back then,husband current...and I like it that way."

"He reminds me of my husband,both complete goofs."

"But we love em."

"And that's the truth."

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