Chapter 47

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Alicia's POV:

I don't k is how much more of this I can take just woke I thought Roman and I were getting better this happens,I wouldn't lie about something as serious as I'm starting to really get the feeling that we WEREN'T meant to be and maybe I should just officially focus on being that single mother.

After I left the hotel I don't know where I was going but I really didn't wanna be anywhere near Roman. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time...damn hormones because if anything I would shove just kicked him in his set! But with JoJo there I didn't want any more arguments to happen... I started to try to think of the times I may have seen Dean while training before getting to WWE some days he'd acknowledge me,some days he would come over and basically spend the night with J them playing video games or cramming for their finals or I remember some's all true...

I stopped walking and looked up...I was back at my house...everything started to replay James at the window,Robert most likely lurking behind me ready to pull the trigger...I started to feel panicky...I started breathing and was as if they were right there that day repeating itself. I didn't notice anything around me...James's laugh.

"Mrs Love!? Are you okay!" I felt someone touch my shoulder and jumped and screamed.

"Alicia calm down its me Casey,it's okay."

I looked at her tears running down my face.

"Come here,you shouldn't be out here." She walked me over to the side walk helping me sit down before sitting next to me.

"What are you doing here,I thought you were leaving with those guys?"

"I just needed air...sorry." I suddenly felt this like tap on my shoulder..."it''s happening again."

I didn't realize my breathing had changed so fast because she scooted closer putting her jacket over my shoulder. "Just breathe and take deep breathes okay?"

I did as she said but started feeling paranoid feeling as if I couldn't see anything.

"Alicia! Hey is she okay!?" I heard and looked up and saw Dean rushing over I managed to get myself up and rushed over to him burying my face into his chest as he hugged me.

"She needs to get checked...for her and the baby...PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder)

"Come on Ali." He kept one arm around my shoulder.

"I don't wanna go back."

We're not." he said.

We walked in silence for a while before we ended up sitting on a bench in a park.

"What happened back there?" Dean asked.

"It was as if I was experiencing it all over again. happening right then."

"Why were you there anyway?"

"I just ended up there...I killed him...I've never seen myself being a killer."

"It was self defense Alicia."

"I STILL KILLED HIM...I'm sorry for being such a mess such an idiot,causing so much trouble...I'm sorry for making you guys life a hell...I'm sorry."

"You don't Ali,stop apologizing for things that you can't control,did you forget...we're family."

I was silent for a bit. "Sorry for apologizing."

Dean only chuckled shaking his head,he staft D to say something when his phone rang. "I'll make this quick." He stepped a few few feet away. I suddenly felt a hand on my stomach,I looked down and saw James face,he slowly stood up blood streaming down her face but a smirk plastered on his face. 


"You proud of yourself,killing me...does it make you happy knowing this is what you've done."

"YOU kill me innocent me...maybe I should just do the your baby...your biggest love...hope."

I started scooting on the bench trying to get him away fro me.

"Why are you so scared? You look like you've seen a ghost." He laughed sitting down next to me.

"This isn't real."

"Then why am i here?" James asked his blood dripping onto my leg.

I started to cover my ears when I felt James hands on my arms.

"Don't try to ignore me!" He yelled.

"No! No! Let go of me!" I screamed.

I felt two hands on my arms and started kicking and swining at the person holding me.

stop! It's me!" I opened my eyes and saw Dean kneeling down in front of me looking concerned. I blinked my eyes and slowly looked around noticing there was no sign James.

" I want to go home."

"I don't know what you mean home but...I can get you somewhere safe.

Roman's POV

I was sitting there for the 50th time reading over that paper. She was telling me the truth. Yet I was so stupid and over reacted...god I hope she forgives me...I can't afford to screw up our relationship now...or ever anytime soon.

Suddenly my phone went off for a text message. I picked up my phone and looked down seeing it was from Dean. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I opened up the text message and felt my heart beat speed up.

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