Chapter 23

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"Well that trip went's been ready?" Marti asked as she sat up from lying upside down on the couch.

Alicia took a deep breath and he'd it in as she got up walking towards the bathroom. The minutes waited felt like hours,she started to fiddle with her fingers as Marti picked up the stick that would define Alicia's future. Alicia watched as Marti's expression changed.

"What does it say?"

"It's positive."

Alicia swallowed hard as she took the test taking a look for herself. She sighed shaking her head. "I...I can't believe this."

Marti moved towards her and pulled her into a tight hug. "It's gonna be okay sis,like I said,it's a new start but you two are forever,how are you gonna tell Roman?"

Alicia bit her bottom lip nervously. "I...I don't know.."

"Well when you do... He's gonna be so happy and over joyed night even cry...that's what he gets for taking my drink the last time we went out...but either way,it's gonna be great news."

A small smile appeared on her face. "Thanks Marti."


Later that day all the superstars and divas were at the arena for Smackdown that night. Alicia hadn't seen Roman yet but had texted him. She wasn't sure exactly how or if she should tell him having absolute mixed feelings on the whole situation.

Her and Marti both walked into the divas locker room and put their bags down some of the divas already in and chattering about.

"So...did you tell him?" Marti whisperd. Alicia shook her head. She was about to go say something else when in walked Stephanie. After getting the divas all set near by she started to explain the divas match for that night.

"Marti, Nattie you two are up against Cameron and Eva , ah Alicia you're going one on one with Nikki,do what you all do best,good luck girls."

Alicia was starting to slightly freak out of course she loved performing but with her being pregnant she didn't know if she could take that risk. Marti glanced her way most likely waiting for her to say something.

"Ah....Steph...I ah....I can't compete tonight.  She said causing Stephanie to turn around with a questionable look.

"What do you mean...Is everything okay Ali?"

All eyes were now on Alicia,she started to feel like she was going to throw up. She quickly covered her mouth taking off to the bathroom

The other divas looked at each other not sure what to say. Stephanie turned her attention to Marti who was headed into the bathroom to check on Alicia.

"Hey, girly,you gonna be okay?" She asked as she kneeled down rubbing her back.

She grabbed a piece of tissue wiping her mouth taking a deep breath and nodding to Marti.

"Marti I don't th- she was cut off when she heard clicks of heels behind them,they both turned to see Steph standing there leaning on the wall.

"May I,get an explanation ladies...are you hurt...sick?"

Marti gave Alicia a small nudge. "I...I'm not sick Steph...I'm...I'm pregnant."

Stephanie's mouth fell open but quickly turned into a smile. "Well congratulations love...I understand why you didn't wanna say it infront of them but you know you don't have to be afraid to tell me something like that."

"I'm sorry Steph...thank you."

"So have you gotten any information,boy,girl,due date...the father is Roman right,no crap Those Twins tried to pull last time?"

"Yes,of course he is but no I haven't found out any big basic information,kinda just took the test,today."

"Well congratulations Hun,I do wish the best of luck for you two and please remember anything that you need to talk to that revolves around being able to perform don't be afraid to tell me,it's understandable,and I know it's not a big worry but don't worry about your title."

"Thank you Stephanie."

"And by the way no competing,Marti you keep an eye on her...I do hope Roman does the same,we know how overly dedicated you get sometimes a break is a good call,especially if it's revolves around someone else's life."

"Oh trust me she's not going anywhere near that ring." Marti said putting an arm around her shoulders helping her up.

"Now that boss's time to let the main know." She whispered into Alicia's ear."


After everything that had happend, Alicia had left the arena early and went back to the hotel to get herself ready to tell Roman no matter how nervous she was. She had the way she was gonna explain to him set... At first she was going to dress a bit dressy but instead she put on her Roman tank top and sweat pants thinking this was a step to helping her relax. As time went by her palms started to sweat and she couldn't stop her leg from shaking. She heard the sound of the key go into the door then the door opening and Roman walking in.

"Hey are you okay,Marti said you left early said you weren't feeling good?"

"Big mouth. She mumbled." "I ah...just wasn't in the mood to stay late like before I just wanted to..." It's not or never,just say it Ali... "To ah...order you a pizza which should be here soon,I know tonight was kinda crazy for you and what happened with the Wyatts,you,Dean and should be here in a few."

"Oh...well you didn't have to do that babe,thank...yea those Wyatts are sick and not the good kind...I heard people going on backstage saying a divas match got canceled,wonder what that was about,probably one of the Bella's going on "oh I broke a nail,my shows that match aren't here." He mocked in a girly voice.

"Oh...yea,most likely sounds like them." She said with a nervous laugh.

"One day,I'm just waiting for all of you to get together and jump them one good time...maybe mainly Nikki them maybe Brie will take the hint...well I'm gonna go shower and maybe when I get out we can as they say 'Netflix and chill." He winked at her kissing her on the cheek before grabbing his things heading to the bathroom.

"Yea...that.." She plopped onto the end he of the bed putting her head into her hands sighing. "What am I gonna do."

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