Chapter 28

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Roman's POV
I felt the bed moving waking me up,I sat up and looked at my wife who was tossing and turning mumbling in her sleep. I put my hands on her shoulder gently shaking her. "Baby, wake up,you're having a nightmare."

She suddenly automatically sat up fast screaming gasping for air. "Baby,calm down." I notched her slightly clutching her stomach with her arm around, I grabbed the garbage can near by holding it for her just in time as she started to throw up, I don't know if this is still fear from last night or more of pregnancy but I hope she knows I'm gonna be there threw all of this..

"This is so gross! I'm sorry Ro."

"You don't need to apologize baby girl." After she was done I got up taking the trash to the bigger one then grabbing her a water from the fridge. Getting back in the bed I sat behind her wrapping my arms around her waist.

After she took a few sips she put the water on the dresser and leaned back into my lap which I didn't mind. "I'm here for you baby girl,you wanna talk about it?"

"We were at the hospital...I was about to have the baby which was coming started yelling at me saying you didn't want this...Bray came and...he killed you...a...and the baby...

"Baby girl,you know...I'm not easy to be killed...and second,I've been looking forward to this day,there's no way I'd wanna take back any of this...there's no way those freaks are gonna get to you Or touch you while I'm here and you know how Dean is...that's nightmare is one that will NEVER happen."

" you love me Ro?...forever?"

"What kind of question is that,of course I do baby girl. Nothing will ever make me change my mind about how I feel about you,you're my everything."


"I promise how about we go see what good throw back movie is on Disney until we fall asleep,I mean it is 3 in the morning,but at least it's peaceful and"

I glanced down and saw her eyes had already shut and she had her arms around my right leg as if it was a pillow...damn this is gonna be a long experience but so worth it.

Sorry this is so short school stress and dumb drama at home is really killing the mood but we've got Tuesday off and then holiday break coming up so maybe that'll be my time to get myself back together ...gonna try to update a better chapter tomorrow since it's Friday and well Friday's are always great...I think...

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