Chapter 1

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Ugh finally off this damn plane it's bad enough, the plane was late, but really do you think I'm gonna sit still on a plane for 10 hours I think not.
I grabbed my purple suitcase and walked out to the food court of the airport, I'm starving like always. I grabbed me some Taco Bell and waited for Bekka to come get me. She's my best friend, she's lived here for about 6 months now and I'm finally coming to see her!! I finished my Taco and Baja Blast, and threw the trash away.
"Jessie get your little ass over here" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around to see Bekka.
"Bekka!" I screamed running to her and practically jumping in her arms. She let go of me and we ran outside to her car.
"CMON we have to set your room up in my apartment" she said speeding out of the parking lot.
Once we finally got to her apartment we walked inside and she took me to my room. The walls were baby blue and the bed was a queen, with gray and blue sheets and pillows. My room was actually pretty big, I loved it.
"Unpack , some of my friends I met down here are coming to meet you" she said closing the door, leaving me to unpack.
I unpacked my clothes and electronics first, and that was basically all I brought. I walked into the living room to see Bekka with two other girls, who were drop dead gorgeous.
"Hey Jessie this is Brayden and this is Kaylee" she said pointing at each.
"Hi" I said
"Hey" they both said back.
We all started talking got to know each other, I swear these girls cracked me up. After about 2 hours or so, they left.
"So how do you like them?" Bekka asked
"Oh they're really funny" I said laughing
"Yea they crack me up on a daily" she said laughing
"Tomorrow can we go to the mall, I need new clothes" I said
"Hell yes" Bekka said making me laugh
"Well I'm getting pretty tired I'm gonna go to sleep" I said getting up and going to my room. I changed into some shorts and a tank top and got into bed. Eventually falling asleep to the sound of Bekka laughing...

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