Chapter 3.2

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Rain's POV

After months of ignoring me, it's finally happened. My mother and I were in one place at the same time. Her dark tresses cascading down her back, her lips painted a bold red (a common occurrence, they should've tossed a spare lipstick my way cause I really felt out of place) and her outfit that of an upper class woman expecting visitors; breezy, crisp and not a crease in sight. Even though her pretty face was raging red and contorting hideously as she tried to intimidate me with her steely gaze, I was still determined to plead my case.

There was the hope that I could fix this relationship of ours and get my mother back. I didn't know how things would play out but I was praying for the best.

I rose from her couch feeling rather clueless and thankfully she went (or perhaps snapped) first because really, how does one go about with these kinds of talks?

"Yes?" She snapped so suddenly that I almost jumped in fright before I remembered where I was. Despite that, I mentally thanked the moon goddess for saving me from an awkward silence.

"Mother" I began tentatively yet still, she stiffened up at the term. The word had a whole year and near half to rust in my throat so I wasn't surprised at her reaction. "Why am I here? How did I get here? Did you finally decide to let me come back home?" I finished excitedly at the thought of being with my family again AND having a comfortable bed under me.

"No Rain. You are NOT moving into MY house, you have shamed us well enough on your own and I want to be nowhere near your bastard brat that's surely coming from this senseless behavior of yours." I blinked, surprised at the sharpness of her tone as she looked straight into my eyes, which I could feel gathering moisture. She brushed off a spot on her couch before sitting down and elegantly crossing her legs. So, things were about to get real.  

"Let's end this charade right here. Firstly: it's no longer 'mother' to you, Eva will do just fine even though I'd rather you never addressed me at all." She muttered the last words under her breath but I still heard her, and she might as well have shoved a dagger straight through my heart and twisted cause it bloody hurt. "Secondly: I suppose I'm too blame for why you're here cause even though I removed you from this household, I could not remove my name from from your school registration documents therefore your school still considers me responsible for you. That's why I had to do the walk of shame with the pack's eyes on me as I carried you into my home." She spat with so much venom I cringed.

"Mo-Eva, you have to believe me when I say I'm still untouched to this day! I would never lower my standards like that, you taught me better than that mother! About waiting for mates, remember?" My chest was heaving, aching as I looked into her eyes, willing her to hear me out, to believe love me. And for I moment I saw her eyes soften as she turned her gaze to our family photos hung up on the wall opposite her. Her eyes filled with un-shed tears, 'let them out mom' I prayed as I stepped forth her, ready to embrace her, ready to put the past behind us. But then her eyes landed on a photo of her and group of smartly dressed women, the mates of dad's business associates, the same women from her so called book club. And that's when I lost my mother for good, when she straightened her shoulders I could feel the room temperature drop instantly.

"You know child, I was once proud mama-wolf at my first pup but you disappointed me. When Michelle  told me of your blasphemous behavior, I was doubtful but then I pieced together the clues and the truth crushed my heart." She shook her head in disgust. "It all came to place, how you loved wearing revealing clothes, when you bought those condoms,-"

"MOM! That was for a school project!!" I screeched appalled at what I was hearing, how could such innocent actions fit so perfect for this scenario of hers? Mother went on as if I hadn't just screeched enough to make the earth stop rotating. "-how you'd pretend to blush (how the hell does one do that?) whenever you saw a boy AND wanting to go shopping without me! (isn't this normal though?) How stupid do I look Rain? You lied to me!"

No I didn't.

"Why would you believe Shelly over me, your own daughter? Can't you see she's lying?! She has a personal vendetta against me and she's turning you against me! Why are you letting her mother?" I couldn't stop the tears warming my cheeks if I tried, my side of the story was of no importance here.

She abrubtly rose from her seat, stalking towards me as she wagged her finger in my face rather menacingly that I shrunk back from her. "Don't you DARE utter a bad word about that girl, she succeeded where you failed, she would never lie because unlike SOMEBODY she listened when her mother taught."

That's when I snapped, I'd heard enough. "Melissa." I mocked, it tends to happen when you've been quiet for too long, you explode. Even at your own mother. "It's all because she's Melissa's daughter isn't it? Cause everything in this house and this freakin' pack is about Melissa?!" I spat at her, "You would rather believe Shelly than risk a falling out with the woman because she's the ring leader of you lot." My voice was a mere whisper at the end as my finger pointed at the same picture that helped her make-up her mind about me and her face lost all it's color, shock and fear warring across it. Who's daughter did she think I was that I wouldn't call her out on this?

"You would lose all privileges with your fancy friends and dad would lose business from Mr. Harding, true? So you sacrifice your very own child for wealth and status? I can't believe this!" I was laughing now, a humorless lonely laugh. You know that one when you realize how stupid you've been in your hopes yet you are still attached to them? It hurts like flippin' real. Mostly I couldn't believe it took me this long to see this, the Hardings were like the wealth hub of this pack. And I? I was the sacrificial lamb I suppose, freakin ironic for a wolf huh? Lara couldn't hold in her whimpers at the thought of never having our mother close but I guess this was our fate, to be abandoned.

"You've overstayed your welcome here, leave." She finally spoke, her tone pure ice yet standing tall. That's my mom everybody, always fighting to retain her composure, control or poise as they call it. She used to be so independent, never caring about anything other than 'Everton Values'.

However, I didn't argue with her, I wanted to leave too I mean even my headache was gone. "For your sake, I hope Melissa is really the hero you think she is because you really need saving, seeing as you are nothing but a SPINELESS woman following the lead of another blind mutt!" I took a needed breath since I'd fired up towards the end only to see my mother wide eyed and mouth gaping in horror. Did I cross the line? No taking it back now, was there? She was about to blow I could feel it. "Eva, atleast treat my little brother right."

"Get Out!" She yelled, looking at me as if I was a live demon out to destroy her perfect life. I didn't fight her this time, just walked out the door aiming for the pack house.

"Rain?" At her voice I halted in my steps, just outside her door. "I called the Alpha, he said you you may return to the pack house ONLY when necessary. Say for instance, at night when you must sleep?" Wow, she sounded smug didn't she?

To work it is then.

I shifted into my wolf and ran away from what was once my home and the woman I once thought loved me.


And that's the last half to the previous chapter.

What do you guys think of Rain's mom?

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